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Subject: Re: Self titled..... "fan mail!!! :-)"

RegBarc (James)
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Date Posted: 23:15:14 04/29/02 Mon
In reply to: DVSinsyder 's message, "Self titled..... "fan mail!!! :-)"" on 20:59:41 04/29/02 Mon

I can tell you right now. This is going to turn out with a happy ending, like in those fairy tales. The fairy tales like Hamlet and Braveheart.

...oh wait, those were tragedies.

>Hey, About the wedding, I just wanted to let you know
>that I don't care at all what you do or say anymore. I
>don't know what's more pathetic the fact that you
>think I do anything but vaguely acknowledge your
>presence, or the fact that you thought I was worried
>about you Saturday night. Is it really that hard for
>you to understand how worried about fergies' well
>being I am. I consider him one of my best friends. I
>guess I should realize though, that you can't
>comprehend what it's like to love and care about a
>dear friend. Actually, during the course of that
>evening I even forgot you were there several times.
>All of my attention was focused on Ferg and how he was
>doing. I was and am more worried about him than you
>have ever been about someone you "Cared" about. So
>forgive the expression but, Get over yourself. Nobody
>Yeah, I guess you do care about Ferg; so much in
>fact, that you'd put a selfish "relationship" before
>him. You knew how he felt and what he'd be going
>through. I guess you didn't want to see past what you
>wanted for yourself. I guess that's the quality you
>have that makes your ablity as a friend so much
>greater then mine. I'm so glad that you are out
>there, looking out for Fergie's best interests,
>cause... DAMN, he'd be pretty fucked up without you

>Oh, by the way, if you're going to write something,
>have the balls to let everyone else on this site know
>just how great a person you are. We all love you.
>Miss you sweetie.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Self titled..... "fan mail!!! :-)"Colleen21:03:35 04/30/02 Tue
    Re: Self titled..... "fan mail!!! :-)"DVSinsyder22:09:36 04/30/02 Tue

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