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Date Posted: 16:31:38 07/06/01 Fri
Author: The Watchers
Subject: The beginning of the End

And a child will cradle terror in his breast as\the heart of life falls under the shadow. A wanderer will pass through the ancient lands trailing chaos in his wake. The three brothers will be reunited as the mortal world trembles before their might. And so it was foretold that the three, once reunited, would be shattered again - And the last of them would set his sights on the holy mount. The warnings held that their defeat would be illusory - that the final gambit had yet to be played.

* * *

And at last the strom surges from the out rims of the universe, and the hand of destruction reaches out to undo the workings of the ancients. The tides of Hell - surge, ready to smash down upon the shores the the mortal world - to drown the guilty and the innocent alike.

We are the watchers, the ones who have watched everyone and everything since time began. The tale of the swarm has been a horrific one in the making. Let us start at the beginning.

10 millenia ago, an Autobot scientist created a race of insectoid like robots as a way of gainning energy for the soul use of helping Cybertron. But the scientist made the insect drones to smart, to quick. They found a way to multiply, and soon killed there creator and began to suck the life forms from countless star systems when needed.

It was also said that he who controls the 'Swarm' as they came to be known, the bringers of total oblivian, chaos reborn, will be able to control all life in the entire universe, and become all powerful gods. Thus, from the far reaches of the pit, pure evil formed into three, demonic lifeforms, the most evil of all things created, to control the swarm, and rule over all. And thus the three borhters were born, the Lord of Terror, the Lord of Chaos, and the Lord of Destruction, set out, and succeded in controling the swarm.

We can do nothing to help you, you must find a way to destroy the three evils in your own way. Some have said that in the far reaches of the other relmes, a power is confined powerful enough to purge the three evils, but it is only a rumor. Go now, mortal ones, do the impossible, the unthinkable, help all of the universe to survive the never ending destructive power of the great force. Good luck.

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