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Date Posted: 22:04:57 01/20/02 Sun
Author: Schizzo, Dark Lord of Chaos
Subject: Boredom breeds restlessness...

A dark corridor...

Pitch black, only a small semblance of the curvature of the dark walls and narrow floor could be seen. Black candles sat, unlit, mounted on the wall in wait. Somewhere, off in the distance, the echoes of footsteps could be heard...

A light breeze swept through the hall...

And in a sudden, explosive display of pyrotechnics, every candle in the hall was lit up, causing a 'wave' effect to slide down and out of sight, covering up the darkness of the unused castle corridors.

The footsteps, much louder now, were now joined by a low, humming sound...

Where are you...my...precioussssssss....

A light-hearted, deep cackle slid down the icy corridor...

And Schizzo, Dark Lord of Chaos, flipped into view. He was in his favorite form when there was no one to play with. His body was black, and shimmered in the candlelight, putting one in the mind of a being composed of oil, only solid. The only part of his body that wasn't void of detail was his face, which was etched in a creepy, exaggerated grin, stretched over the entirety of his lower face, and showing three rows of sharp, jagged teeth lining his jaw. His eyes seemed to glow with a radient, terrifying insanity, beaming out wide and red, darting from side to side of the corridor.

He was once again playing his game, following a trail invisible to all but his own eyes. He hummed to himself, the song, upon closer inspection, seemed to be 'Ring Around the Rosies'. He hopped, and skipped, and slid along, and despite his rather gruesome appearance, seemed to be having a splendid time.

Which he was, compared to what he had just left behind. Once again, his older brothers had turned to words and conversation, ignoring the still form of Scaleblade that lay on the floor in front of them. Without her awake to play with, Schizzo had quickly become bored, and left, despite the seemingly hopeful appearance of ten black things from his oldest brother, Diablo. However, they quickly disappeared, and left Schizzo bored. Again. He had left while Anubis asked Diablo questions about the something or others.

So Schizzo had left, choosing instead to peruse the unused portions of the Castle again. He had found several great places already, none of them apparently in use by either of his brothers. Though he wasn't thinking of it, the possibility of finding something more to play with always kept him going...

He suddenly stopped, his humming ceased. He stood and stared at the floor...

A small bug was crawling across his path, hardly an inch from the tip of his foot. He held his breath, and layed down very slowly, and quietly, on the floor, careful not to disturb the tiny creature. It wasn't one of the Swarm bugs, simply a common one. He layed his head down flat on the floor, watching in complete silence. Not a breath. Not a quiver. Not a twitch...

HAH! Now I have you, preciousssss!

His hand suddenly whipped out, and slammed the floor in front of him. He lifted his hand, staring at his palm in amazement at the miniscule pieces of the bug still visable in the goo that had been the bug's insides. His wide eyes grew wider still, fascinated by the smallest semblance of murder he had just commited...

Chaos...death...chaos...chaossss...precioussss chaos...Howler...Howler....HOWLer...HOWLer...HOWLER...HOWLER! HOWLER!

Now screaming, over and over again a word that seemed to hold no meaning to him, Schizzo flew to his feet, his eyes darting towards the nearest window. He smirked, his grin stretching even farther across his grotesque face.

And Schizzo lept. He lept, and lept straight out of the window of one of the highest floors in High Rule Castle. His small frame easily fit through the window. He cackled to himself as he fell, cutting through the air at a pace more and more rapid, picking up more and more speed...

But silence fell again, and you could only hear the buzzing of the Swarm still located outside the Castle. His cackling had stopped, but he had not hit the ground. Schizzo had disappeared in a brilliant flash of red light, and was now no where near High Rule Castle...or the Swarm Homeworld, for that matter...

His brothers would have no clue as to where he was, for he had told no one, and left no clue.

Back in the corridor, the candles had gone out. Silence and darkness again overtook the light...

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