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Date Posted: 20:27:06 01/29/03 Wed
Author: The Deus Ex Machina
Subject: Life's Little Surprises
In reply to: Anubis, Lord of Destruction 's message, ""I feel almost redundant..." he mused silently..." on 20:17:34 11/17/02 Sun

Diablo continued to sit on his throne, basking in his dark glory. The taint of the Dark Lords, his taint and his brothers', was slowly spreading out to the SPUniverse. The Swarm had been unleashed upon an unsuspecting Cybertron, though one among a struggling and occasionally petty government had a notion of an ill wind on the horizon. The moon's defenses had been fortified but it had not been enough, and though those who stood against the Swarm fought valiantly, heroism and self-sacrifice went nigh unnoticed against the unthinking, unfeeling devouring mass. Unicron at least had a personality, ahd fears and weakness to be appealed to and played upon. But now Cybertron faced oblivion against an enemy whose sole motivation was an all-consuming instinctive hunger, and the hands that guided this rudimentary force were far from Cybertron, far from the voices of reason or opposition. Diablo and his brethren set their pawns in motion, and though a second wave of defenders had shown, the deck was clearly stacked in his favor.

Diablo had every reason to gloat, to enjoy his impending victory. Champions in dreams neared their goal, a potential key in defeating the ancient force the Dark Lords had harnessed. But the apparently omniscient brother had this front covered as well. Confident? There was no reason not to be.

At the touch of a button, a villain who mixed magic with ancient Autobot technology gone horribly wrong unleashed four more hives, moving toward more victims, more who would suffer before his grandiose campaign was complete, if ever such a time arose. Ambitious? Why stop at more when you can have the most.

So enrapt was he then, that while his newly minted minions Cabal and Eclipse remained, Eclipse's desire to go to Draco as yet unanswered, Anubis' departure went unnoticed. Both his brothers were entangled in their own web of chaos but now, now, some of that chaos had backwashed into the Dark Lord fortress.

One point of light where Anubis stood grew, extending outwards like mercury, its shape consistently evolving, at times an arm or perhaps a leg becoming recognizable before the silvery light was amorphous once more. Eventually it separated into three sinous female outlines, the slick light caressing their bodies now shattering like glass in a blinding flash.

The Light Trio, the Deus Ex Machina as they had been known in their SPUniverse before the collapse and shunt of the primary reality, looked about in a mix of confusion and disgust. Deus looked at her sisters, at Isis and Sanity, with concern for their well-being and theirs alone. The tall angelic sister, clad in sliky white linens with flowing golden hair and a minimum of reflective jewelry, thought little of her own accomplishments, her own power, and cared only for the welfare of her noble sorority, and of others. She was relieved to see that both the humaoid Servel Isis and the nigh perfect and organized Sanity seemed none the worse for wear for their journey, if only looking as lost as she felt.

The Deus Ex Machina had arrived.

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