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Date Posted: 00:21:23 02/21/03 Fri
Author: Berserk
Subject: º .. top dog .. º
In reply to:
's message, "Let it Begin" on 09:46:06 02/19/03 Wed
The shadows were followed by a grey colored cout with typiacal wolf markings in black, brown and white. Nothing were actually special about Berserk at first glance, maybe not even at second glace either. But he had that thing that alpha usually have and that oher wolves often never get. Sort of unspoken, unseen, but there. With long strides he walked up to the other wolf, using these first steps to 'suck in' all the info he could get by just looks. He lifted his hackles, raised his fur to be a 'mane' around his head and neck and continued in the lines that alphas do when 'stutting their stuff'. Waiting for response that his dominance were understood and accepted.
Stop using fanzy, english words..! I feel all stupid... *chuckle*
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As noticed -- Masochist, 09:37:44 02/22/03 Sat
ooc: hehehe sorry can't help it. Words are a hobby of mine, big fancy ones especially lol
Ic: The presence of the alpha is ackowledged as the figure of the newcomer falls with an elegant flourish to the ground, rolling belly-up to show his respect and submission. Burgundy eyes close to the half way point, producing a look of lazy helplessness. But the eyes hidden beneath hold a frightening look of cunning.
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º .. top dog .. º -- Berserk, 02:46:48 02/24/03 Mon
Berserk didn't speack, just kept measuring the other wolf as he always did. Relaxing slighty as he submitted, but never enough to be taken by surprise. (If anyone would be stupid enough to try.) "I'm Berserk, ruler over Calika Territory," he said in a slowly voice that were a weird opposite of the rest of him. "You're welcome to stay as long as you follow pack rules and honor those who deserve it." Words not really nessassery to say, but they were given an extra meaning when he did...
*makes faces*
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So be it -- Masochist, 03:58:48 02/24/03 Mon
The other rose in a silken fashion, keeping to a low posture before the alpha. A dip of the muzzle shows his acknowledgement to this statement. "I am Masochist. And I will follow your rules and leadership as best I can."
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º .. top dog .. º -- Berserk, 00:17:35 02/26/03 Wed
'As best I can.' Berserk noted the last words as he felt they weren't needed. Masochist didn't say I will follow you rules and leadership, he had to add 'as best I can.' "Good," he said with the same tone, still slighty uncertain what to put in those words. Thinking that he could always be put into place... With another nod and a lift of his hackles he left. Not sure if he liked the newcommer.
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