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Date Posted: 10:31:12 09/05/01 Wed
Author: The Prez
Subject: I'm cheating.

This tall man’s angled face is topped by short, flaxen-colored hair that has been spiked up and combed into chunks, some falling forward over his forehead but never into his eyes. His cobalt eyes seem to never miss a single facet of his surroundings. Slightly pointed nose lies between his eyes and his thin lips that are generally bent into a cheerful smile, but on some occasions echo concentration or annoyance. Living several Turns under Rukbat’s rays in Igen have taken their toll on the man’s skin tone, making it a dark bronze color. Yet, through the hardships of his life in Igen, a smile can still be generally found on his face, along with the wrinkles of stern determination. He retains the V-shaped torso and well-muscled form. Yet, even in his robust form, his age reflects itself on his features occasionally, as does the strain of being a rider.

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