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Date Posted: 16:42:13 07/02/02 Tue
Author: Loraine
Hotel update - D.C. touring info
I just came back from checking on the new renovations from the Ramada turning into Sheraton Pentagon South. All I can say is "wow!" It was very nice before, but now looks Very Upscale and even the restrooms are lavish, lol. (Okay, I only checked the female side, but I trust hubby's opinion on the other ;)
Everything is completely redone: the rooms are decorated in Ralph Lauren, and do include coffee-makers (extremely important after partying late into the nights -with tea bags for the less caffeine-addicted); the very large indoor swimming pool just reopened a few days ago; the bar/restaurant now has large dividers to allow for a smoking section as well as a non-smoking section - with very good ventilation, I was assured (it opens at 4 pm) -and is plenty large enough to accommodate us on Friday night; and our banquet room...well, I am more than very happy with it! Without going into detail, it will suit our needs perfectly! (Yes, I checked it before signing the contract, but the revamp was really amazing!) By the way, the bar is right next to our banquet room and we are free to wander between the two. We cannot bring food or beverage from outside the hotel into the bar or banquet room, but we can take anything we like into our rooms.
I would like to publicly thank the Sheraton for being more than generous with us. They have made accomodations, since we are a smaller group than they are used to hosting, and non-profit, and I would honestly recommend them to anyone travelling this way in the future!
Also, just FYI, directly across the street (not a highway-easy to cross) is a Chinese restaurant, a deli/pizza place, 7-11, CVS (pharmacy), and a Safeway (groceries). And as it says on the site, the hotel shuttle will take you to the nearest Metro station to easily reach the attractions in D.C. I was on the Metro recently - well-lit, clean and quiet (except for the chatter of the Girl Scouts I was accompanying). It's $5 for an all-day pass or less for a certain trip. There are also Trolley tours.
Please email us with any questions :-) See you soon!
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Awww Loraine! Everything sounds just wonderful! Wish I were able to afford to be a part of it.....I'd held out hope but it didn't work out for this year. However, you have my sincerest wishes that you all have every bit as much fun, and more, at the Rollerblast as we all did at the Rave and can't wait to hear about your fun, the music, and see the fantastic pics that will come out of it. Not much longer now, is it? -- Shirley, 20:23:53 07/02/02 Tue
>I just came back from checking on the new renovations
>from the Ramada turning into Sheraton Pentagon South.
>All I can say is "wow!" It was very nice before, but
>now looks Very Upscale and even the restrooms are
>lavish, lol. (Okay, I only checked the female side,
>but I trust hubby's opinion on the other ;)
>Everything is completely redone: the rooms are
>decorated in Ralph Lauren, and do include
>coffee-makers (extremely important after partying late
>into the nights -with tea bags for the less
>caffeine-addicted); the very large indoor swimming
>pool just reopened a few days ago; the bar/restaurant
>now has large dividers to allow for a smoking section
>as well as a non-smoking section - with very good
>ventilation, I was assured (it opens at 4 pm) -and is
>plenty large enough to accommodate us on Friday night;
>and our banquet room...well, I am more than very happy
>with it! Without going into detail, it will suit our
>needs perfectly! (Yes, I checked it before signing the
>contract, but the revamp was really amazing!) By the
>way, the bar is right next to our banquet room and we
>are free to wander between the two. We cannot bring
>food or beverage from outside the hotel into the bar
>or banquet room, but we can take anything we like into
>our rooms.
>I would like to publicly thank the Sheraton for being
>more than generous with us. They have made
>accomodations, since we are a smaller group than they
>are used to hosting, and non-profit, and I would
>honestly recommend them to anyone travelling this way
>in the future!
>Also, just FYI, directly across the street (not a
>highway-easy to cross) is a Chinese restaurant, a
>deli/pizza place, 7-11, CVS (pharmacy), and a Safeway
>(groceries). And as it says on the site, the hotel
>shuttle will take you to the nearest Metro station to
>easily reach the attractions in D.C. I was on the
>Metro recently - well-lit, clean and quiet (except for
>the chatter of the Girl Scouts I was accompanying).
>It's $5 for an all-day pass or less for a certain
>trip. There are also Trolley tours.
>Please email us with any questions :-) See you soon!
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C'mon, Shirl! ( I'm bringing Red, White and Blue M&M's! ) : ) Aren't you nearby?? -- Brat, 21:24:11 07/02/02 Tue
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Only about three hours away but the Rave bit a hunk into my budget. Getting there wouldn't be a problem but the Fest fee and the hotel expense would be. I missed the registration deadline, too. I'd hoped my sons might be able to help me out a l'il but they helped me so much for Rave that I just couldn't ask them again. But, omg! Y'all have a slammin' time! Please do! And do let us all know about all the highlights when you get back! -- Shirley, 10:32:52 07/03/02 Wed
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Sorry you can't make it Shirley :( But, we are still taking registrations - have 3 on the way now. So it's not too late for anyone still thinking about it :-) -- Loraine, 16:45:26 07/03/02 Wed
>I just came back from checking on the new renovations
>from the Ramada turning into Sheraton Pentagon South.
>All I can say is "wow!" It was very nice before, but
>now looks Very Upscale and even the restrooms are
>lavish, lol. (Okay, I only checked the female side,
>but I trust hubby's opinion on the other ;)
>Everything is completely redone: the rooms are
>decorated in Ralph Lauren, and do include
>coffee-makers (extremely important after partying late
>into the nights -with tea bags for the less
>caffeine-addicted); the very large indoor swimming
>pool just reopened a few days ago; the bar/restaurant
>now has large dividers to allow for a smoking section
>as well as a non-smoking section - with very good
>ventilation, I was assured (it opens at 4 pm) -and is
>plenty large enough to accommodate us on Friday night;
>and our banquet room...well, I am more than very happy
>with it! Without going into detail, it will suit our
>needs perfectly! (Yes, I checked it before signing the
>contract, but the revamp was really amazing!) By the
>way, the bar is right next to our banquet room and we
>are free to wander between the two. We cannot bring
>food or beverage from outside the hotel into the bar
>or banquet room, but we can take anything we like into
>our rooms.
>I would like to publicly thank the Sheraton for being
>more than generous with us. They have made
>accomodations, since we are a smaller group than they
>are used to hosting, and non-profit, and I would
>honestly recommend them to anyone travelling this way
>in the future!
>Also, just FYI, directly across the street (not a
>highway-easy to cross) is a Chinese restaurant, a
>deli/pizza place, 7-11, CVS (pharmacy), and a Safeway
>(groceries). And as it says on the site, the hotel
>shuttle will take you to the nearest Metro station to
>easily reach the attractions in D.C. I was on the
>Metro recently - well-lit, clean and quiet (except for
>the chatter of the Girl Scouts I was accompanying).
>It's $5 for an all-day pass or less for a certain
>trip. There are also Trolley tours.
>Please email us with any questions :-) See you soon!
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Re: Hotel update - D.C. touring info -- JanZie, 15:01:30 07/06/02 Sat
Hey Shirley, I'm still looking for someone to share the room cost! I will even bring the ear plugs.
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