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Subject: Working with Silver Diamonds

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Date Posted: 16:46:24 12/16/02 Mon

Susan swung into the dressage saddle and gathered the reins. The tall Percheron arched his neck and pranced beneath her. “Whoa, Silver. Easy boy.” Susan said, sponging the reins firmly. She pushed Silver into a working walk and kept him balanced. He seemed to have adjusted well to GRF. She squeezed her legs firmly and the stallion stepped smoothly out, his stride very long and elegant. He was nicely on the bit and had his hocks engaged gracefully. She bent him nicely around her leg and asked for a few shoulder ins to the right. Silver moved nicely through their warm up. “Good boy!” Susan praised, patting his neck gently. His dapple grey coat glistened as he moved into a marching trot. He took big gliding strides and came even into an even nicer frame. Susan smiled and guided the Percheron through some 10 meter circles. He seemed very poised and relaxed when she touched him with her outside leg. He sprang into a light responsive canter. She balanced perfectly and guided him through some very difficult movements for a horse his size. She closed her fingers on the reins and he dropped back to a steady trot. She took him through some leg yeilds and turns on the forehand to prepare him for more lateral work. “Alright, big boy, time to work.” Susan said, smiling brightly. She pushed Silver through some half passes, feeling his movement remain smooth and calm. She urged him into a canter and practiced some counter canter with him. He kept lightly on the bit and very round. Then Susan closed her fingers on the reins and urged him on with her reins. He halted with his back legs and churned powerfully through some canter pirouettes. She smiled proudly and asked for an extended trot. They were a seamless pair as they glided over the ground. Susan asked Silver to perform a piaffe. He trotted slowly, almost perfectly in place, before she asked for him to halt. After what had been nearly an hour of dressage, she dismounted and led him to the barn.
Susan walked out to the paddocks and opened the gate. Silver was performing a flawless passage across the paddock until she whistled. He lifted his dapple grey head and galloped over, nuzzling her. “Good boy.” She cooed. After hooking him in crossties, she brushed off his gleaming coat. Suddenly, Emma walked into the barn. “Hey, Emma. How’s it going?” Susan said, smiling at her friend. “Hello Susan. I’m here to look at B-man.” Emma said. Susan smiled and tacked up the stallion. She mounted and rode to the jumping arena. The 3’ hunter course was already set up so she took the stallion through a thorough warm up. His excellent springy gaits and his perfect style over jumps made him ideal for hunter classes. She smiled and urged Silver into a canter. The Percheron was light on his feet and steady as he headed for the first fence. Susan kneaded her hands up his neck as he tucked up his knees and leapt easily over the fence. Susan guided him over a few more fences, smiling happily. She pushed him through a triple before before pulling him up at the end of the course. “Good job, Silver.” Susan exclaimed patting his neck. She took him for a quick trail ride before she put him in his stall for the night :-)

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