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Subject: Riding Dream and October!

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Date Posted: 20:54:15 12/19/02 Thu

I mounted Dream, my hanoverian mare. Dylan mounted onto October. We were riding in a big park. It had quite a few trails and not tha many people. I asked Dream for a trot and me and Dylan trotted along the trails. We talked about my job, a lawyer, and his job a actor for a small TV show. A girl about 12 came running up and I halter Dream. "Hi," she gaped, "Can I pet your horses, I saw you on TV at that horse show last year but I never got to meet you," she said quickly. I smiled. "Sure you can pet them," I rubbed Dreams neck and the little girl reached up to pat his neck. Then she turned to pet October. "Oh, my gosh," she gasped. "Is this Sweet October, the stallion who won the show at Madison Square Garden," she asked. "Yes," I answered and let her pet him. The girl thanked of and ran off blushing. We continued trotting along the path. Dream pranced around with still some energy. I patted her neck. "Calm down girl," I cooed to the mare. After about 2 hours we finished the trail ride and took the horses back home.

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