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Subject: Riding Patience

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Date Posted: 16:37:50 12/20/02 Fri

I tacked up Patience carefully, since she was new to Shining Meadow Stables, and all it's surroundings. I lead her out to the arena and tightened the girth as well as measuruing stirrups. When I mounted, I gently clicked her into a slow walk, so she would get used to the place. We walked around the arena for a few minutes, and then I slowly urged her into a trot. I didn't make her go too fast unless she wanted to though. She went pretty slow at first and then started to get a prompter trot. We went around for a few minutes, and then I brang her down to a walk again. After we walked awhile, I urged Patience into a canter, which wasn't too fast, but pretty rocky. I bounced around on her back, as she cantered around the arena. Finally, after she started huffing a little, I pulled sharply on the reigns and then eased back as soon as possible. Patience halted, and stood her ground until I clikced to her and she walked again. I dismounted her, and lead her back to her stall, where she was untacked.

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