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Subject: Continued>>

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Date Posted: 17:17:55 12/21/02 Sat
In reply to: Vanessa(Nessa) 's message, "~Riding Dream Away~" on 10:10:22 12/20/02 Fri

After popping her over the little fences I asked her to canter. I aimed her toward the 3' 9" course. She leaped over the first obstacle, a liverpool. Then a vertical. Next a triple. The game mare cantered on and I gave her more rein as we made a tight turn toward the 6 obstacle a brightly painted oxer. Then over a triple. Amazed with her work I slowed the mare down and gave her a pat. "Nice, Job, Dream!" I praised her. I walked the mare back to the barn after cooling her out and led her to the cross-ties. I untacked her and then gave her a good grooming. I was brushing out her mane when I started to think about what we were going to do with the new stallion, Spellbound, we had just bought. The dark bay stallion, was very sweet and was quite a keen jumper. All of a sudden Dream whinnied, I shook out of my daydream and continued to groom her. When I was done with her mane and tail, I put on her blanket and opened the door from her stall to her paddock. Then I went to get Spellbounds tack. The handsome bay whinnied as I approached his stall.I haltered him and led the prancing horse to the cross-ties. Since it was his first time to Whitebrook, I was going to give him a light work. I groomed and tacked him up, and then mounted. I led him toward the arena and trotted him around. He had a nice smooth trot. After a couple laps at a posting trot I asked him for a canter. I rocked top the movement and took him in some circles and figure eights. Then I slowed him down to a trot and headed for the trails. I walked him around the loop trail laughing when he got scared of a flying leaf. I patted his neck and reassured him that it was ok. After finishin the loop trail, I groomed, untacked him, and put his blanket on. I let him out into his stall and opened the door that led to his paddock. I put his leadrope away and walked up to the house to start dinner, and get ready to go to Dillion's.
When I got back up to the house I showered and put on a pair of purple,flare, sparkly pants and a lighter purple tanktop. I grabbed my black belt, put that on, put on some black boots, grabbed my long black jacket, and to finish the look, applied a little bit of makeup and did my hair in a bun. *The Rest Is Contiuned On The Social Life Board! Join Dillion and I If You Feel Like It!*

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