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Subject: Dressage with Delilah

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Date Posted: 04:43:17 12/22/02 Sun

Susan swung into Delilah’s saddle and gathered the reins firmly in her fingers. The palomino mare eagerly broke into a trot and moved smoothly up the long side of the dressage arena. Susan sponged the reins and guided the mare through some circles at the walk. The Morgan kept light and responsive as Susan took her through their usual and very thorough warm up. Delilah was on the bit and round as Susan asked for the canter. The mare sprang into a balanced canter, chewing the bit eagerly. Susan pushed her up centerline and then asked for flying lead changes, every stride. The mare snorted with concentration and performed each change with precision and grace. Susan was so proud of the mare that she slowed her down and let her walk on a loose rein, allowing her to stretch before they did some more strenous work. “Bravo.” A voice from the edge of the arena said. A woman of about 25 stood there surveying the Morgan mare. “I’ll pay $35,000 on the spot for her, if you will sell her that is.” The woman said. “Delilah is not for sale, Ms…” Susan said, trailing off. “Rebecca Haskins, famous 3 day eventer. I’m willing to go $50,000, but that is it.” Rebecca said, smiling at the Morgan mare. “I really am sorry, but I won’t sell Delilah for any price.” Susan said, smiling sadly. “Alright, but if you ever sell her, call me!” Rebecca said, walking away. Susan smiled and urged Delilah into a trot. They did some extending and collecting, very easy movements for the talented mare. Susan worked the mare through some rein backs and of course, a few shoulder ins. Then, she asked the mare to canter on the left lead and then they practiced the counter canter. Delilah had always struggled with this movement, but this time, she curved smoothly through the figure. Susan closed her fingers tighter on the reins and sat lightly in the saddle. Delilah tucked her frame even deeper and collected her strides. “Good girl!” Susan praised, patting the Morgan’s neck. “That’s probably enough work for today.” The woman continued, guiding the mare towards their favorite trail. They rode for a few minutes and then they reached the beach. Susan gave Delilah rein and let her romp playfully along the beach :-)

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