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Subject: Riding The Horses

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Date Posted: 17:36:23 12/22/02 Sun

*Saddle walks down to the barn at 6:00 in the morning and feeds her horses. Shortly afterwards, Travis and Kelsey appear and feed their horses. Saddle cleans her stalls and grooms the horses, then turns Stormy out in her paddock with Lady and Kelsey and Travis turn out their horses. Saddle tacks up Fire first. Today the young stallion stood quietly in the isle and walked to the ring calmly. When she mounted he stood calmly. Saddle warms him up on a long rein, letting him stretch down and loosen his back and neck muscles, then takes up more contact and asks him to come on the bit. She schools him for 30 minutes, then cools him out, untacks and grooms him, blankets him and turns him out. Next she takes Silk out of his stall. The big stallion nips her playfully while she grooms him and tacks him up. She leads him to the indoor ring and mounts. There were several 2'9 jumps set up, so Saddle decides to jump him. She warms him up, then canters to the first jump. He springs over it, then canters calmly to the next fence and takes that easily as well. he finishes the course perfectly, then Saddle makes up a new course over the jumps and takes that, too. Silk does well again so Saddle cools him out and takes care of him, then turns him out. Next she gets Lady out of the paddock and lounges the mare for 20 minutes. Then she takes her on a short trail ride and pops her over some low cross country fences. After Lady, she brings TC up from the paddock and free jumps him over some 2' fences. he jumps nicely and gets his striding right almost every time. After TC, she rides Honor, a feisty stallion. She schools him in dressage for 45 minutes, working on lateral work (leg yeilds, turns on the forehand, shoulder-ins, haunches-ins) and transitions. He does well once he relaxes and listens to her. Next she rides Kurt. The young stallion is in a firey mood, so she gets off and lounges him for 20 minutes, then gets back on and rides him. After the lounging, he is much calmer and works more willingly. She rides him for 30 minutes, then cools him out and untacks, grooms, blankets and turns him out. Finally, she lounges October over 4'6 jumps for 15 minutes. He jumps them all perfectly. She takes care of him, then turns him out and goes to make arrangements for the sale barns*

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