Subject: Working Rebel, Tiara, and Morris |
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Date Posted: 18:04:02 12/24/02 Tue
I walked into the barn, and rushed down to Rebel's stall. I smiled quickly at him and ran to get some brushes. When I came back, I ran the brushes throguh his coat til' he was slik and clean. Then, I went into the tack room and brought out his tack. I put it on him, and then brought Rebel out to the arena. I was ready to get him ready for the shows of FC. Rebel and I walked around the arena a few times, and then I clicked him into a trot. Rebel obidiently went into a slow trot for me, and catiously trotted around the arena, as I posted in his saddle. Rebel was being very obidient and so, I halted him. He stood in place, and then I let him walk on. I practiced with Rebel, making sure he held his head and neck high, and walked his best. Rebel slowly walke around, calmly doing what I told him to do. Then, I brought Rebel into a slow canter, and we went slowly around. I sat still on Rebels' back while he bounced around the arnea. After while, I ran him throguh a jumping coarse. We went over jumps until they were 4' high. I dismounted Rebel and brought him to his stall again, then I tacked up Tiara.
Tiara was highly spirited. I walked her around, and she hyperly went into a trot right away. I laughed as I did a little sitting trot. TT trotte quickly around the arena, as I broguht her down to a halt. She kept trying to go even farther. I let her trot again ,keeping the same content, I let her trot whiel I did a little posting trot. We trotted for a loooooooong time, then TT stoppped sundenlt. I made sure she was ok, and then sprung her into a canter. TT went quickly around, not payng much attention to how fast she was going. I bounced in the saddle, as she was broguht down to a walk. Tiara walked patiently for me, as I ran her throguh some jumps like Rebel, only this time until they were 5'6. I smiled when we were done and tacke up Morris.
Morris walke around the arena for me as I sat tall in the saddle, I was warming him up. Toady, he was very energetic and I clicked him into a trot. I posted, while Morris trotted his life away, like a cloud running througuh the sky. I could hardly keep up with STTA. Then, she slowed down and I sighed. I halted him, and he sharply stopped, standing on bare dirt. Then ,after I walked Moriis, I broguht him into a canter, he bounced along, I bounced along, we all bounced along. I let him walk, and then he cantered for me again. I made the same content and so did Morrise as he hyperly ran around like a mouse. Finally, I juped over some caveletis and dismounted Morris.
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