Subject: Riding (and bringing home a suprise) |
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Date Posted: 17:05:05 01/10/03 Fri
Saddle, Kelsey and Travis feed all the horses. "Travis, i want you to ride Fire N' Ice today, along with Lady and working with Lily. Kelsey, you will ride Man O' Heart and Tori and work with Legacy. I will ride the other horses. Then later i have some business to take care of out at the horse sale barns and i want you to both come with me" Saddle tells them. "Ok, how long do we have?" Kelsey asks. "You have about an hour for each horse, i want to leave right after lunch" Saddle tells her. "OK" Kelsey and Travis agree. They all get out the horses and groom them, then tack them up. Kelsey rides Man O' Heart first, Travis rides Lady and Saddle rides Sweet October. They all school dressage and Saddle coaches them. "Kelsey, shoulders back and push him into your hands, dont hold back so much" Saddle tells Kelsey. Kelsey corrects her position and Man O' Heart comes round for her. "Travis, relax your legs, dont constantly drive her with your legs, use you whip and soften your fingers" Saddle calls. Travis fixes his position and gets Lady forward, then she comes on the bit. "Much better!" Saddle exclaims. Sweet October preforms all his lateral work easily and executes several perfect flying changes before Saddle, Travis and Kelsey cool their horses out. Next Saddle rides Silky, Kelsey rides Tori and Travis rides Fire N' Ice. This time they ride in the jumping ring. Travis gives Fire N' Ice a light schooling on the flat and does some ground poles with the 3 year old. Kelsey patiently warms a spirited Tori up. He bucks and prances and gently tugs the reins, asking to work. Finally Kelsey allows the thoroughbred to canter and he canters several beautiful figure 8's, performing perfect simple changes in the center. Then Kelsey jumps him over a 2'6 gymnastic and Saddle warms Silky up over the same fences. While Kelsey walks Tori out, Saddle takes Silky over a 4'9 course. the stallion clears all the fences with room to spare and Saddle praises him. Saddle rides TC on the trails while Kelsey works with Legacy. Saddle already had the horse trailer hitched up, so Kelsey works on loading the pretty arabian filly. At first, Legacy is afraid to step into the dark box, but finally she bravely puts a foot in the trailer. Kelsey gives her a small slice of apple, then encourages her to take another step. Legacy puts her next foot on the ramp. Kelsey keeps encouraging the weanling filly and finally she has all 4 feet on the ramp. After another 15 minutes, Legacy is completely in the trailer. Kelsey gives her more treats and pats her neck, praising her. Legacy bumps Kelsey with her nose happily, then Kelsey gently encourages her to back out of the trailer. Legacy nervously backs down off of the 2 horse trailer. Once she is on the ground Kelsey praises her again and gives her more treats, then loads her and unloads her several more times. Each time Legacy is more confident until she bravely walks up into the trailer as soon as Kelsey points her at it, loading on her own. When Kelsey tells her to come back, she carefully backs out of the trailer, still a little uncomfortable about backing up. Then Kelsey ties her to the trailer and grooms her. At first, she dances, feeling very free because there are no crossties to hold her still and no other horses around, but eventually she stands quietly. While Kelsey works with Legacy, Travis works with Lily. The mare was finally settling down, but she was still nowhere near ready to be ridden. When Saddle gets back with TC, she puts all the horses back in their stalls with Travis's help and Kelsey takes care of Honor. The vet was coming to look at his injuries in a week and everyone was working hard to keep him quiet and calm in his stall. Kelsey prepares two syringes, one filled with bute and one with a mild tranqillizer. She gives the stallion a treat, then quickly slaps his neck several times and injects the bute. Honor barely flinches as she injects it. then she does the same thing and gives him the other shot on the other side of his neck. Again he barely flinches. Kelsey looks at the gray stallion sadly, his once shiny coat had become dull and his eyes no longer sparkled energetically. He had lost a lot of weight since the accident and looked like a much older horse. Saddle walks up to his stall "He looks pretty bad, huh?" Kelsey asks. "I've seen horses that looked alot worse pull through,. once hes out of the sling and off all the meds he'll look alot better. right now hes on alot of different meds to prevent infections, keep him calm and make sure he doesnt hurt too much" Saddle tells her. Kelsey nods. "Well, i still have some stuff to do and i need you and travis to come help me. I'll go hitch up the big trailer, we might be bringing some stuff home" Saddle tells her. Kelsey goes and gets Travis. They meet Saddle at the truck and drive to the horse sale barns. Saddle leads them down the barn isle and points into a stall. a bay thoroughbred mare stands, eating her hay. "You get her ready to ship, Kelsey, theres shipping bandages in the trailer. Travis, you get this filly ready to ship." Saddle tells them. She points out the horse's stall to Travis, then gets a set of shipping boots. "I'll get this stallion ready to ship. We're going to break him to english and geld him, then sell him as a kids horse" Saddle tells them. "Hes so gorgeous, why arent we going to keep him for breeding?" Kelsey asks "His foals tend to be unsound" Saddle replies. They bring the horses home.... (continued later)
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