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Subject: Working the 3 year olds

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Date Posted: 15:19:27 02/03/03 Mon

*Saddle gets Man O Heart out of the paddock, grooms him and tacks him up. The colt was nearly 4 and had matured very well in the last few months. He was also doing very well under saddle. She mounts him and cues him to walk. He instantly walks and she lets him have his head for a few minutes, then collects her reins and gently encourages him to come on the bit. She walks, trots and canters the colt in both directions, then trots some ground poles. The colt loved doing poles and he always did them perfectly. He was showing alot of promise as a star in the jumping ring. Next she works with Fire N Ice. The colt was more spirited than Man O Heart and seemed to have more potential for dressage, he wasnt as interested in trotting poles, but he willingly did anything asked of him. Saddle works on getting on on the bit and keeping him there, then does some transitions with him. The excersises were simple for the colt, but transitions happened to be the basis for dressage and if he didnt get a good foundation he would never be able to compete in the higher levels. He gets bored with the simple excersises and bucks to show his irritation. Saddle makes it more difficult for him by adding figure 8's and serpintines to the excersises, then he settles down and works again. Next she works Valerie. The arabian filly was by far the calmest of the 3 horses. She patiently stood while Saddle groomed and tacked her up, then quietly walked, trotted and cantered on the lounge. Saddle had been lounging the filly alot because she had a hard time balancing and finding a comfortable natural frame with a rider on her back and Saddle wanted her gaits to be formed as naturally as possible and her frame to be natural. The filly would be able to be a more relaxed and better mover if she knew how to move on her own and didnt have to depend on the rider for her balance. Saddle lounges her for 15 minutes in each direction, then cools her out and puts her away.*

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a few weeks laterSaddle09:30:31 02/07/03 Fri

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