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Subject: Another Trail Ride

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Date Posted: 13:55:30 02/10/03 Mon

*******I went to Abby's stall. She looked out of her stall and whinnied. I laughed and started to pet her nose. I was wearing a sweater with a warm hat, and gloves. It was turning warm a few days ago but now it's cold again. I went to the tack room and got Abby's tack. I took Abby out on cross ties and groomed her. The fiesty 5 year old, pranced around anxiously. I laugh softly and say, "Calm down Abby, it's okay." When I'm done grooming her I put on her tack. Then I mounted. I walked her in small circles until she calmed down. As we entered the trail she shivered. I hoped no snow would fall from a branch because she would probably bolt. But as I looked in the trees, there was hardly any snow at all. I smiled, "It's getting warmer." I thought. I looked at Abby. She was already losing her winter coat. Just a little. I looked at my sweater that was covered with hair, after grooming her. "I'm thinking about getting another horse, girl. I'm just worried I won't have enough time for you and Rodney if I do." Of course Abby didn't respond. I wasn't expecting her too. Lol!!! We kept going and I started her on a trot. I didn't even put leg pressure yet and she already started. Since she was being really good, I started at a canter. The wind hit my face hard, and cold, but I kept going. You could tell Abby was a good jumper, just by riding her. Her powerful hindquarters proved it. I slowed her down to a trot, and then to a walk. (I've had her since she was born. Her and Ronnie are half brother & sister. They have the same sire but different dams.) We came to a field that had a bunch of natural jumps set up. Like a pile of rocks, a stream, ect. I smiled and Abby pricked her ears. We centered with the jump and began to canter towards the first jump. I could feel her hind quarters launch up and she sailed across. I smiled from ear to ear as we went across the next jump. All 3 where perfect! Then I saw another jump. It looked really big but I thought we could take it. I centered her and cantered towards the jump. She leapt across it as if it was nothing! I was amazed. I knew she could jump but nothing like this. I patted her shoulder and said good girl, a thousand times. We started the ride back to the barn. When we got there, I gave her a carrot. I groomed her really quick and put her out in the pasture with one of her buddies.

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