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Date Posted: 20:49:13 10/28/02 Mon
Author: Will F
Author Host/IP: host217-39-217-20.in-addr.btopenworld.com /
Subject: Name this tune?

Hey guys, who really knows their early 90's house / techno ?
I had a tune once on a compilation tape, which got nicked out of a mates car years ago, been looking for the tune ever since, my quest is double hard because
A: its quite a rare track
B: Its an instrumental, so no vocal to tell people
C: I dont know the artist, title or label!

the only think i can tell you is this descrption, and a crappy version of it played by me on the keyboard, ok?

It has lots of sub bass, and this mega bassline sawtooth bass synth pattern over the top following the same notes as the sub bass. There was a muffled speech sample somewhere in the track saying something like "rock with me" but it was hard to make out.

here is my version, from memory, sorry it sounds a bit pants


anyone help out with the name, or even have the track? I'd be well chuffed !


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