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Date Posted: 14:41:31 11/17/02 Sun
Author: ADO2.1
Author Host/IP: cache-loh-aa07.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Point Blank FM
In reply to: Mark Caudell 's message, "Point Blank FM" on 22:01:41 11/16/02 Sat

Nice thought, there are lots of things you could do with this website but as PB seem to be a non profit organisation is it worth expanding.

As a web designer you should realise they could inclue RAM files of DJ shows and stream them. But this would take a strain on their resources if things get real busy. Not only would you need someone to encode the files and upload them, you would also prob have a sizzling server if you had 100,s of people logging on and downloading.

To sell merchandise you would need a cart solution such as e-trolley or actinic. Or you could go down the custom route and get someone to create an ASP or PHP solution using an Access or SQL database. Again they would then have to prob upgrade their hosting to accomodate the above.

There best bet would prob to use a free Nochex cart and then accept money via the Nochex system.

When you talk about seeing dj set listings what could be done is simply create a small ms access database with all the relevant information and the present it to the user when they click on a dj name.

If your no good at hand coding then a good book on DW Ultra Dev or DW MX and MS Access will do the job. Both Ultra Dev and MX can hook up to a recordset nicely and then its just a case of dropping a few server behaviours in. ASP/VBScript is the best format.

There is so much you can do, but as they are not legal would it be worth it. This present format seems to be working.

There is enough know how to make PB,s website one of the best around as im sure you are probably aware.

When they are legal ask them for a position lol in house designer. I know what you are saying it all good in thought.

PS you site page dosnt fully fit in 800x600


the bottom goes off the screen and you cannot see the wording. Just a case of reducing your main content table a few pxs.

Or cut the logo off the top and move everything up. Tested it both in AOL Browser and IE.



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[> Re: Point Blank FM -- Matt Webb, 10:48:26 12/04/02 Wed (host.reading-college.ac.uk/

do you have any other websites you desinded that I can look at for examples of your work?

I am looking for another website desiner for www.energ-fm.co.uk & www.energy107.co.uk?

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[> [> Re: Point Blank FM -- Chris Woods, 11:43:40 12/10/02 Tue (NoHost/

Check this out:


Pretty good for a UK garage site!

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