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Date Posted: 16:09:50 06/10/03 Tue
Author: Management ( EX )
Author Host/IP: host81-130-225-70.in-addr.btopenworld.com /
Subject: Answers to Questions!

Well what can I say...Since I stepped down from the top spot after over 8 years of the constant owning and running of P.B in March this year things have just gone mental on the authorities and local council side of things.

As I have still been heavily involved in setting up P.B since I can say that we have done everything we can to bring you the music and shows you all love, and other people have done everything they can to stop this. In fact I'm amazed at the lengths they have gone to keep us off the air.....WANKERS! Sorry but I have had enough of long nights and early mornings trying to get a aerial or cables run ready for the weekend only to find the next day it has ALL vanished!

Just this weekend that past I was involved in yet another return of P.B and yet again our equipment was found and taken within 2 hours of switching on and starting tests.

The transmitter site we was going to use this weekend was vandalised on purpose and trashed includind yet another transmitter...I know who you are and believe me the same and more will be happening to YOU.

Most of you probally know who I am and would say I play fair with all Authorities but this jelousy think is taking the FUCKING PISS.

Well the you are some of your questions answered and I will say that P.B will be back on 108 with me standing next to it!!!!!!!

bye bye

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[> Re: Answers to Questions! -- Paul, Ruislip, 14:17:40 06/11/03 Wed (gw.uk.neceur.com/

I always said to myself that if I ever heard that there was a possibility that PB was not going to be on the dial any more, I would be devestated and not only that, but I would want to do anything possible to help bring it back. I know that you (Mr. Ex-Management) don't know me personally, only by the fact that I text the station quite a lot with praise and thanks (I think 'quite a lot' is an understatement, and my Mrs. will validate that (!)), but if there is anything I can do to help out in any way, to help ease the burden on you and the other regular participants of repeatedly doing installs, doing the long nights and mornings, and getting continually frustrated when things get pinched, just let me know via the email addys. I can't offer much but I'm more than happy to help out with installs (been there, done that)and any other techy things, including building stuff...

I just wanna say to all you guys that read this forum that it's at this stage of a pirate's lifecycle when they need support, particularly directed towards the people who really make it happen i.e. the techy people that sit up all night building transmitters, spending hours in lift motor rooms etc. etc. So, get in touch with the management, give your support and offer any assistance you can (manpower is the key!).

Cheers PB for the last 2 years that I have been listening. I hope it can come back soon.

Just let me know via the email if you wan't anything doing.

Paul, Ruislip.

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[> [> Re: Answers to Questions! -- Andy in Herts, 00:52:28 07/21/03 Mon (cache-loh-af01.proxy.aol.com/

Well said paul I hate people like that and with a name like Jon the Don I think its quite clear whos the twat :o)

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[> Re: Answers to Questions! -- jon the don, 19:24:36 06/28/03 Sat (host81-152-113-104.range81-152.btcentralplus.com/


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[> [> Re: Answers to Questions! -- Paul, Ruislip, 13:25:53 07/07/03 Mon (pc-80-194-84-39-hy.blueyonder.co.uk/

Thanks for the intelligent comment. The fact that you can only come up with something as moronic as that obviously indicates that it isn't me who's the twat.

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