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Date Posted: 21:44:10 08/06/01 Mon
Author: Jane Bishop
Subject: "1 am here. What 1s the emergency?"
In reply to: Boeckle and Emmons 's message, "The two entered the Dining Room and grabbed a seat in the waiting room." on 16:43:21 07/29/01 Sun

Jane walked in from the medlabs, a pack twice her size swung over her shoulders. She was nearly six feet tall but some how still delicate and graceful. Her skin was polished and smooth if somewhat pale, her labcoat wrinkle-free and, as always, her silken blond hair was firmly pulled back in a scientifically precise pony-tail.

"Boeck1e. Emm0ns. Y0u are here f0r astr0metr1cs. 1 am here 1n acc0rdance w1th same 0rders 1ssued by Lt. Ames. F0RTRAN has appr0ved my inv0lvement as a lab techn1c1an, 0r rather s0me0ne else has. F0RTRAN did n0t v01ce disappr0val, s0 perhaps the 0ne Dys0n called Ant0ny d0es not c0ntrad1ct h1s w1shes. Th1s 0ne d0es n0t kn0w h1m.

D0 we leave s00n? When 1s schedu1ed departure to beg1n 1mmed1ate research, rec0n and re1axat10n? 1 am anxi0us to acc0mplish tasks and fu1f111 purp0se.

Jane stood at attention, never once shifting the weight of her supplies. She blinked precisely every 1.5 seconds, and looked from one astrometric scientist to the other at exact intervals of 2.7 seconds...

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  • Where are the others? -- Soldiers, 18:50:26 08/12/01 Sun
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