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Date Posted: 18:40:34 12/29/01 Sat
Author: Double Deuce
Subject: Felix citing

I've loved the jaxx and the whole Brixton deal. I was recently at a party, that fell on the day of their Central Park gig, and who shows up, good ol' Felix. HE was of course trying to find a spliff so i ran around looking for 1 and got it for him. Fortunetly for me, i am good friends with a producer named Michael Moog and he introduced me and we talked for a lil. Anyway, at the party i handed the Dj a new mix i had just done of Michael Moogs "you belong to me" and Kelle Le Broc loved it(the singer from Romeo), so she handed Buxton her camera to take a picture with me =). I gave Felix my demo and 2 months later I am set to do a new single for their label Atlantic Jaxx, called "Infared" so look out for it. I love them so much and noone in all dance music compares to their outlandish production. My production name is DOUBLE DEUCE so when it comes out e-mail me at Versaceek@aol.com and let me know what you think. C yA

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