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Date Posted: 07:58:27 06/07/00 Wed
Author: Jay
Subject: warren / yall. cube I am working from stuff I read about them & they were older articles that said some
In reply to: Mark 's message, "Re: But Jay, don't you feel those pops are a thing" on 07:43:37 06/07/00 Wed

very good things about them.
I am being cautious as I am wanting to see a lengthy steady climb. And it has been up yesterday 7 today in a weak mkt. Firmness in 20 + range is my priority.

I am also looking for a grower. No pop styleplays until mkt gets firm. 2nd, my main stocks hit some entry points or show strength. 3rd, I like the fact a loof big blocks are getting traded & fund mgrs are starting to reenter the mkt & lessen their cash positions.

like we've all said here before, cnbc sucks, but ya gotta listen to the repetititve messages.

cube appears to have manipulated their stock down to save a gillion dollars in spin off stocks. I think the key is in the April 24 7 May 8 press releases you can find at the cube yahoo stock site. click on 'all news" link.

Lemme know what ya think.

PS - I have to agree, pops in general in the stocks are gonee for now. Ya just gotta get used to swing trading.

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