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Date Posted: 09:10:00 06/21/00 Wed
Author: Jay
Subject: hey bud, whereyaat? i am about to breakeven on HLIT. Actually wa
In reply to: Mark 's message, "Re: Hi Warren! On vacation as I write this," on 21:00:23 06/20/00 Tue

was green for a moment this AM. Holding out for a 50, then look, 60, then look and who knows what. I really believe it could be a 100, would you knowwhat for a 2 week trip up to 70. Somebody wakeme !

warren, what did this mean & do I need to follow my own advice, lol. copied from your post: " Think I Several of Jay's 2-to-24 stocks just to breakeven this year,"

As sherry & Patty used to say, Jay just tell us when you sell & we'll buy. haha . dadgum clowns. Bt still true. Was talking to Sherry the other day & damned if she didn't buy HLIT near the recent bottom at 35 when I told her I was pissed caused I bought too quick, saw lower & was getting rattled.

Anyway, picking them ain't the problem. Holding is. Thankfully, I still hold HLIT or it would have been ugly AGAIN. Bought a little INTL at 14. I see a 25 in time. Not much, something to do while waiting on EFNT to see mid to lo 40s. Then I am going back to my baby fo' mo'.

Anyway, my lil girl Ginalotremen is hollering. i be back. Her brother Enciclupetia and sister Sixninus are hollering cause the cat done runned off & is fighting with the junkyard dog naxt do'. Cats an old old 1 that still thenks it be full of fights. Damb cat name bes Pussy. Neighbors hates it when me & mine 8 chillun get out in the 'nhood & start hollering fer it. Pimps out chere hate it too, throws em off. False call.

bi now

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