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Date Posted: 21:21:55 08/28/01 Tue
Author: Return to Forever
Author Host/IP: snjts6-34-79.jersey.net /
Subject: *Fear*

*the rolling mare never notices the human's approach, the only thing on her mind was getting rid of the pain in her stomach, foal pacing along side her dam, suddenly the rope is around her neck and she gets up to try and fight it, but she is weak with pain, and does little more than pull against the rope, only making it tighter around her neck, finally she realizes if she follows this human the rope will not tighten and does so, but at a distance, not wanting to get too near, in the barn she tries to roll again, but is brought to her feet and oil is administered, but not before the mare snorts and flings her head, spilling quite a bit, at the round pen she trots around, all the time trying to keep away from the human holding the whip, after the pain has been relieved she follows the human to the barn, not knowing what to do, but her eye whites show, she is frightened, the first time since she's gotten here her mind has been clear of pain and she realizes what she has gotten herself into*

*she reels, backing up quickly, eyes rolling with fright, into a wall, making her leap forward, chipped hooves paw wildly at the confined space around her, flame hued mane is tossed, not yet fully better she stumbles about in the odd confined area*

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