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Date Posted: 13:57:46 12/30/01 Sun
Author: Leslie Coker
Subject: Searching for sister born 2/28/68 in Richmond,Virginia

I am searching for my older sister who was born 2/28/68 in Richmond,Virginia at Richmond Memorial Hospital. I have the nursery records for my sister and our natural mothers papers from when she had my sister. I was adopted and when I found my natural mother it was then I learned I had an older and a younger sister also both given up for adoption.Our mother had a son and kept him the last of four kids. I have been searching for my sister now since December 1992. I have also found my natural father, I got to meet him once, but sadly he was killed in a tragic car accident in May 1999. In December 1999 I found was met our baby sister. We met New Years Eve in New York City,WOW. She was given up through a private adoption and I thought I would never find her, but while searching for my older sister I found her. After 9 years of searching I am sadly coming to the conclusion my older sister is the one I am never going to find and this is going to be my last message I am going to post. I am giving up on my search for her. I have been through 9 years of searching and hitting dead ends and my heart can't take anymore. I only hope that one day we will be reunited. I pray for you every day and I pray that you are happy and safe and even though we don't know each other you are my sister and I will forever love you. All my love.........Leslie

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