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Date Posted: 15:54:13 07/19/01 Thu
Author: Shaye
Subject: Susannah Gray Pearson, born 7/29/47, in Troy, NY

I was born Susannah Gray Pearson on July 29, 1947, in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York.

My birth mother was 26, single, American born, of Irish descent on both sides and a Roman Catholic. She surrendered me to Catholic Charities (dba Community Maternity Services) shortly after my birth. I was baptized on August 24, 1947, in the Chapel of the [Brady] Maternity Hospital and Infant Home, Albany, NY. (She may have a copy of my baptismal certificate; the social worker told me that my mother visited me while I was in the Infant Home.) She was a Dictaphone operator, and she probably lived somewhere in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, possibly Albany itself. (The Albany Diocese is comprised of 14 counties in upstate New York).

My birth father was 27, single, American born, of Scottish descent and a Roman Catholic. He was a time keeper at a large company; he had a permanent injury to his hand as a result of his military service (tank division).

If any of this sounds familiar, please contact me. Sadly, all adoption agencies, including Catholic Charities, are known to fudge some of the information they give adoptees, adoptive parents and birth parents. The dates are probably correct.

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