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Subject: How to Eat (KDEN-1119)

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Date Posted: 2:31pm 02/18/09 Wed

Limit yourself to no more than two servings of red meat per week. Make sure that no more than a quarter of your calories comes from fat. Cook your own meals at home and avoid eating at restaurants as much as possible. Eat six to eleven servings of complex carbohydrates (fruits and whole grain breads, pasta and cereals), but avoid white flour when possible. Don't go crazy on the protein. Too much doesn't add muscle, contrary to popular belief. It just turns to fat. Boycott mayonnaise and butter (or margarine). Get them out of your refrigerator. Learn to live without them. Don't be afraid to try low or reduced fat versions of your favorite foods. You may actually like them better when you don't feel guilty eating them. Stay away from energy bars, which imply that they will transform you into a fit person. Most of them are loaded with calories. Make your own smoothies. Those made commercially usually contain fattening syrups, but your home-made smoothies (without the gunk) are very healthy. Use all the garlic, oregano, etc. that you want. Eating healthy doesn't mean you can't pack your food with flavor. Pack a sandwich made with whole-grain bread for lunch. Breads with high fibre make you feel fuller than white bread. Get at least 25 grams of fibre every day. Not only does it ward off disease, but it actually blocks the absorption of calories. Don't be fooled by "fat free" labels. Many of these foods contain a lot of sugar, which eventually turns into fat anyway.
Don't fall into the "it's okay to eat chicken" trap. The Crispy Chicken and Filet o' Fish sandwiches at McDonalds each contain more than twice the fat of a McDonald's hamburger. If you need whipped cream, whip up chilled evaporated skim milk - your creation will contain only half a gram of fat per cup. Use extra water in hot cereals to reduce the amount of milk and butter you use. Use seasoned rice vinegar on salads and veggies. It tastes similar to oil and vinegar, but is is fat-free and has very few calories. Cook rice in a mixture of half water, half fruit juice to give it subtle flavor without butter and salt. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/howtoeat.html

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