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Date Posted: 08:49:13 04/05/03 Sat
Author: Hermione Granger
Subject: Harry Potter Book Rumours

Have you heard of the rumours and facts about the books coming up?
Well, if you haven't, here is a list of rumours and facts for you to enjoy.
-The 5th book is coming in July 21
-The 5th book is called The Order of the Pheonix
-There is going to be romance between Ron and Hermione
-Hermione is soon going to be a prefect and eventually, a head girl
-The book will tell us a big revelation about Lily Potter
-There will be 7 books in all
-One of Harry's fans will die
-We will learn more about Mrs. Arabella Figg
-Fleur Delacour is said to be the next DADA(Defence Against the Dark Arts) teacher
-We will find out why some ghosts die and some don't
-We will find out why Voldemort murdered Harry's Parents
-Mrs. Figg is the secret keeper
-Someone will be the new Gryffindor Captain
-Snape is going to be going back to Voldemort to be Professor Dumbledore's spy
-Hagrid and Madame Maxime will try tobring the Giant sot their side
-The 6th book is called Harry Potter and the Green Light Torch(or something like that)
- Harry discovers a torch that gives off a green flame that will restore good and exterminate anything evil.
-It might be about Harry's GREEN eyes
-The final word of the 7th book is "scar"
-Harry Potter and the Shadows of the the Forest
is the name of the 7th book
-The last line in the 7th book might be, "Harry, where's your scar?
-The Hogwarts motto "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" is latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon"
-Harry's full name is Harry James Potter
-Hermione's birthday is on September 19
-Ron's birthday is on the 1st of March
-Harry's birthday is on July 31st
-Lily's maiden name is Evans
-According to J.K., there are about 1,000 students currently at Hogwarts
-Malfoy's Mother is called Narcissa
-Crookshanks is part Kneazle (An intelligent British cat-like creature with an ability to detect suspicious characters)
-Dumbledore is 150, McGonagall is 70, Snape is 35 or 36
-Harry will move with Sirius after the Dursleys turns out to no longer a safe-haven
-Dumbledore will die causing even more panick in the wizarding world

That's all I know from a rumour site!
And here are 93 random words from the upcoming book for your special interest. Here they are:
house-elf...sacked... Ron... dead... Colin... captain... keeper... Snape... Lupin... bitten... Cedric... ghost... Hermione... kiss... Harry... darkmark... Thunderbolt... broomstick... Mrs.... Weasley... killed... Hogwarts... gone... Peeves... saves... Nearly-Headless... Nick... sad... Snape... beat-up... Dumbledore... captured... Avada... Kedavra... hits... Neville... Auror... eyes... see... future...Mrs.... Figg... teacher... apparate... inside... Halloween... past... Lily... death... eater... dementor... Crookshanks... animagi...James... alive... Voldemort... deal... with... Potters... Godrics... Hollow... Gryffindor's...heir...Ravenclaw's...heir... terror...Hogsmeade... shadows... alive... Fleur... Delacour... gone... Fletcher... saves... Dumbledore... almost... dead... Trewelawny... real... prediction...again... Dobby... helps... Fred... George... joke... Ron... girlfriend... Malfoy... friend... mudblood... dead... power...
Thank you!

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[> Re: Harry Potter Book Rumours -- AAKASH MORAKHIA (mysterous), 04:22:40 12/18/06 Mon

>Have you heard of the rumours and facts about the
>books coming up?
>Well, if you haven't, here is a list of rumours and
>facts for you to enjoy.
>-The 5th book is coming in July 21
>-The 5th book is called The Order of the Pheonix
>-There is going to be romance between Ron and Hermione
>-Hermione is soon going to be a prefect and
>eventually, a head girl
>-The book will tell us a big revelation about Lily
>-There will be 7 books in all
>-One of Harry's fans will die
>-We will learn more about Mrs. Arabella Figg
>-Fleur Delacour is said to be the next DADA(Defence
>Against the Dark Arts) teacher
>-We will find out why some ghosts die and some don't
>-We will find out why Voldemort murdered Harry's
>-Mrs. Figg is the secret keeper
>-Someone will be the new Gryffindor Captain
>-Snape is going to be going back to Voldemort to be
>Professor Dumbledore's spy
>-Hagrid and Madame Maxime will try tobring the Giant
>sot their side
>-The 6th book is called Harry Potter and the Green
>Light Torch(or something like that)
>- Harry discovers a torch that gives off a green flame
>that will restore good and exterminate anything evil.
>-It might be about Harry's GREEN eyes
>-The final word of the 7th book is "scar"
>-Harry Potter and the Shadows of the the Forest
>is the name of the 7th book
>-The last line in the 7th book might be, "Harry,
>where's your scar?
>-The Hogwarts motto "Draco Dormiens Nunquam
>Titillandus" is latin for "Never tickle a sleeping
>-Harry's full name is Harry James Potter
>-Hermione's birthday is on September 19
>-Ron's birthday is on the 1st of March
>-Harry's birthday is on July 31st
>-Lily's maiden name is Evans
>-According to J.K., there are about 1,000 students
>currently at Hogwarts
>-Malfoy's Mother is called Narcissa
>-Crookshanks is part Kneazle (An intelligent British
>cat-like creature with an ability to detect suspicious
>-Dumbledore is 150, McGonagall is 70, Snape is 35 or 36
>-Harry will move with Sirius after the Dursleys turns
>out to no longer a safe-haven
>-Dumbledore will die causing even more panick in the
>wizarding world
>That's all I know from a rumour site!
>And here are 93 random words from the upcoming book
>for your special interest. Here they are:
>house-elf...sacked... Ron... dead... Colin...
>captain... keeper... Snape... Lupin... bitten...
>Cedric... ghost... Hermione... kiss... Harry...
>darkmark... Thunderbolt... broomstick... Mrs....
>Weasley... killed... Hogwarts... gone... Peeves...
>saves... Nearly-Headless... Nick... sad... Snape...
>beat-up... Dumbledore... captured... Avada...
>Kedavra... hits... Neville... Auror... eyes... see...
>future...Mrs.... Figg... teacher... apparate...
>inside... Halloween... past... Lily... death...
>eater... dementor... Crookshanks... animagi...James...
>alive... Voldemort... deal... with... Potters...
>Godrics... Hollow...
>terror...Hogsmeade... shadows... alive... Fleur...
>Delacour... gone... Fletcher... saves... Dumbledore...
>almost... dead... Trewelawny... real...
>prediction...again... Dobby... helps... Fred...
>George... joke... Ron... girlfriend... Malfoy...
>friend... mudblood... dead... power...
> Thank you!
dumbeldore not dead.it was the polyjuice potion.

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