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Date Posted: 05:07:36 03/04/17 Sat
Author: Knuit Holt

By Knut Holt


I am conducting research about alien or governmental abductions, and here are reported the testamonials I have got this far with my comments. The address of a poll used for the investigation:


Please also see my site with interesting info about physical, mental and sexual health



Girl, 13 yo, USA West cost, abducted from beach with other children and teens

I am female- It happened at the west coast of USA when I was 13 years old, on a beach.

A boat came towards me. Then some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from. The beings that came walked normally, but they were -weird-, a kind of all-limbs. They told that they came to help me and that I had to come along, and they made me willing.

I walked towards the vehicle (the boat?) without them coming to me in the first place. They carried me away. They also took with them other persons, kids, kids together with me.


They stripped me totally naked and washed me. I think they washed us because some kind of fluid was sprayed over us but it felt more like air. like wet air.They let me lay waiting after the preparation at a sort of table. When waiting I was strapped down. I saw kids being prepared together with me. I saw teenage people being prepared together with me.

I think it was just under a massive tarp or tent but I don't know how it was held up. They started tugging at us, as if trying to figure out what clothing was and how it related to us. then they cut off all our clothes with some kind of rod that just separated where it touched the fabric.

After some cursory examination they separated the boys and girls and quickly chopped all of the girlsmhair short if it wasn't already.


They talked with me and questioned me about my life and opinions. They let me see beautiful or funny pictures, videos or stagings and tested my reactions. They staged sexual scenes or handlings and tested my reactions.

They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone. They stimulated me with electrodes at various body parts and tested my reactions.

Some of the beings pretended to be my playmate and played together with me. They talked in really broken english, trying to ask why we wear clothes. They asked us how sex works, how aging works, and showed us some footage so we could try to identify the different stages. There was a lot of footage of kids having sex with other kids or adults, seemingly taken from an impossible vantage point.


They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose. They put instruments onto my eyes and looked into them. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut. They put instruments through my mouth and all the way into my stomach.

They put instruments through my mouth and down towards my lungs. They stuck some needles into parts of my head or neck. They examined my head with electrodes. They examined my head with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They examined my head and neck in other ways.


They looked and felt at my breast. They examined my breast with something like x-rays or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They examined my stomach with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment.

They stuck needles into my stomach. They looked and felt at my back. They examined my back with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my back.

They examined my breast, stomach and back with electrodes. They examined my breast, stomach and back in other ways.

I got really aroused and wet when they touched my nipples, and I heard a lot of other people moaning.


They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction.

They used something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment on my joints and limbs. They stuck needles into my joints and limbs. They examined my joints and limbs with electrodes. They examined my limbs and joints in other ways.

They pretty much moved every joint in every direction it can go and tested the limits.


They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They examined the outside of my genitals and pelvic area with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck something looking like an ultrasound sond into my vagina. They inserted a thin and long instrument in through my urinary opening, like a cystoscope.

They stuck something like an ultrasound sond in through my anus. They inserted a thin and long insrument through my anus, like a colonoscope.

They stuck needles into my genitals. They took something out of my vagina. They examined my intimate zone in other ways.


They held several boys and forcibly (but gently) inserted them into me and other girls, but we didn't really properly have sex or orgasm. They attempted a few same-sex pairings before realizing how it works.

When this girl peed on the table they seemed to react with alarm and thoroughly touched her urethra. I guess to make sure it wasn't broken?


Something I didn't understand about. you will stop resisting.


Didn't get my clothes back. They brought me back in the same way as they took me. I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. Things I had on me were missing.


I started getting really really horny at random, like almost uncontrollably, and my lady bits would run like a faucet. I can't stop masturbating now.


This might be an alien abduction, but more probably it was abduction by a governmental project with the aim of sampling all kind of intimate data about children and teens.

The boat was there to keep attention away from those abducting. The beings that came were probably some robots that also had the aim of keeping attention away.

The real abductors were most probably humans in disguize and they hindered the kids in looking at them during the abduction process. During the abduction one used mind controle techiques that made the young people think this was for their own good, made them willing subjects and techniques that hindered them to think very much about what happened before they had got home.

The place where they were abducted to, was probably a nearby great hall, possibly underground.

The pretention that they did not know about what clothes were and how sex happens, was also a means to get the kids naked in a smooth way and to mislead them about the origins of the abductor.

All the tests told about in the story are either standard medical examinations done on a daily basis with children in hospitals or health centers.

The mind controle during abduction and sexual testing is not standard, but fully possible with techiques available in health centers or secret services.

The thing taken out of her vagina was probably some monitoring device that she has had inside her for a long time and placed there during an earlier ordeal.

Probably the preparation contained some kind or toileting to make their stomach and bladder empty, but they were possibly kept under anesthesia when that happened, or it was performed sneakily at the same time as some other things happened.

It would be interesting to know how the parents reacted when they came home without their beach clothes in their bags. But perhaps also the parents were manipulated in some ways.


Girl, 14yo, USA, abducted from a creek where she camped with two more kids

I am female, Kentucky, 14yo. It happened down by this creek where kids like to camp out, I was just there with two of my friends and sleeping under a simple tarp in some sleeping bags.


I do not remember how the event began, but I remember what happened later. I just went to sleep and woke up there. I know I had to be somewhere else, it was pitch black (I think maybe these things had night vision) and there were all kinds of strange noises. It sounded kind of like a rattlesnake but a lot of 'wet' noises too.

I couldn't see anything but I felt what was definitely a lot of beings and harder things that I think were equipment. I just got paralyzed as they approached me.

I just couldn't move much, when I tried it felt very slow and I wasn't sure if I had even moved at all. It was completely pitch black like I said, so I don't know much about it, but from the sounds I thought it was a relatively large room.


They stripped me totally naked. They emptied my bladder with a tube inserted into my urinary opening. They emptied my colon with a device inserted through my anus.

I don't think I moved anywhere, it felt like I was on the same 'bed' the whole time, but I don't know what was holding my limbs up. Since I couldn't see anything, I only know things were inserted into me, including my mouth, nose, and ears, along with vagina, rectum, and pee hole.

They pressed something into my bellybutton at one point but it didn't go in so it stopped, I think they thought it was another hole.

I felt strange liquid running all over my body, it felt cold but then it started to sting. Then I felt what felt like long tongues running all over me. That pretty much continued throughout, along with occasional harder things that I think were tools touching other parts of me.


They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone. Other kind of test. I think it was attempting to be sexual because they spent a lot of time running the (tentacles?) along my nipples and genitals, along with my mouth. They kept going until I had an orgasm.


I don't think I was moved, it was still complete darkness. They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose.

They put instruments onto my eyes and looked into them. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut. They put instruments through my mouth and all the way into my stomach. They put instruments through my mouth and down towards my lungs. They examined my head and neck in other ways.

It definitely felt like they penetrated everything and I remember the long things feeling like they went all the way down my throat. It was terrifying, I felt like I was going to choke. They even licked (?) my eyes and held my eyelids open somehow so I couldn't close them except very slowly,


They looked and felt at my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They looked and felt at my back. They examined my breast, stomach and back in other ways.

Same thing, they ran their wet whatevers all over. They especially stimulated my nipples. They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints.


They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction. I felt my limbs being pulled on but they weren't flexing so much as pulling outward,


They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They stuck something looking like an ultrasound sond into my vagina. They inserted a thin and long instrument in through my urinary opening, like a cystoscope. They stuck something like an ultrasound sond in through my anus. They inserted a thin and long instrument through my anus, like a colonoscope.

They examined my intimate zone in other ways, the same tentacles or whatever touched me in all of those areas, they went right in, I think the one in my rectum went all the way up because it was in there for a while. Like I said they kept going in my vagina until I had an orgasm.


I was mostly in the spread-out position but it was hard to tell where my limbs were because I couldn't move them at a normal speed and I couldn't see. It's hard to remember the way the harder objects felt but there were some kinds of instruments involved, and they poked me in places too, sometimes held against my skin. Nothing really hurt though.

Some of the things tickled but I wasn't able to react normally like when you're tickled.


I just passed out and when I woke up I was back at the campsite on top of my sleeping bag, my clothes were gone (I had only gone to sleep in a long t-shirt and nothing else so I was able to put on my original clothes)


I couldn't even understand if they were talking or just making other noises, the sounds were just weird, like the way sounds sound underwater. I do not remember how I got back, but I woke up at the place where they took me.


I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. My joints and msucles were aching. I blead from my nose. I blead or had discharge from my urethra.

Things I had on me were missing. I felt totally empty in my stomach as if all the contents in my intestines had been flushed out.

I found out what all that liquid was on my body, it dissolved all my hair off from head to toe. I screamed and woke up my friends, they obviously weren't taken because they were fine.

None of my hair ever grew back. My parents didn't believe my story, and when they took me to a doctor he just said I developed sudden alopecia. I shouldn't have washed off in the creek after I woke up but I was so scared that maybe if I got the liquid off it wouldn't keep acting.. so there was no evidence left on me, I guess. People think it was a dream but I know what dreams feel like!


The girl was surely abducted by somebody. They used methods to paralyze her and to keep her freinds sleeping.

Then she was brought to another place. Based onthe description, it sounds like that place as some building or an underground installation not far away.

There they exmined all parts of her by intsruments used outside and inside her, and tested several body functions, including sexual functions.

Those that abducted her could have been aliens, but also governmental projects are capable of doing any of the things in the history. Much of the details can be done by standard medical equipment. Some of it require more advanced, tentacle-like devices, but technically such devices are possible to make.

It looks like they used a cleaning substance that dissolved her body hair and destroyed the hair sacks so that the hair did not came back. This might be a preparation to make her ready for new abductions to come.


Girl, 15yo, Southern Italy, tested and examined with other kids in a van

I am female. it happened in Southern Italy, 15, at a park where we liked to meet after school.


A strange van came towards me. Some alien-looking beings came out of the vehicle and approached me. The beings that came walked normally. A very long van drove up and opened up. The aliens had helmets on and suits covering whole bodies but several of them came out and called for us to enter the vehicle.

They had weird accents. The van was strange, didn't look like a normal van, and it had a lot room inside, plus lots of tubes and hoses.

They hypnotized me with a humming sound. They told that they came to help me and that I had to come along, and they made me willing.

They carried me along on a stretcher. They kept on bringing me into the door of the vehicle on a stretcher. They also took with them other persons, kids, and teenagers, together with me.

I dont know if youd call them stretchers, they were more flat pieces of thick material to lie on, they just told us all to lie on them and brought us inside the vehicle. They were able to stack some of us on top of each other with a foot of space in between.


They stripped me totally naked. They washed me. They made me sit on a toilet to empty my bladder and stomach. They let me sit waiting after the preparation at a sort of chair.

I saw kids and teenage people being prepared together with me. Other type of preparations: yes this was after the vehicle pulled into a place, but I didn't see the outside, we were taken directly in through an opening. It was dark inside with soft brown lighting and some other small red and orange lights around. there were lots of strangely-proportioned chairs but they were soft to sit on even though i was naked.

They took us all into a circular room and told us it was backwards and wrong that we were wearing clothes when nobody was forcing us to while just spending time at the park by ourselves. They said they would help us be more comfortable and cut our clothes off of us, then showed us how they destroyed them in a kind of shredding machine. they said this naked is how you should be when you can. then they took a kind of sponge brush like the end of a mop and wiped down our genitals to clean them. a few teens were embarrassed and blushed but if they tried to cover themselves they were told there was no need and everyone has seen it all.


They brought me into another room.

They talked with me and questioned me about my life and opinions. They let me see beautiful or funny pictures, videos or stagings and tested my reactions. They staged sexual scenes or handlings and tested my reactions. They monitored my reactions with devices on my head. They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone. They stimulated me with electrodes at various body parts and tested my reactions. Some of the beings pretended to be my playmate and played together with me.

In addition to hoses or wires touching us, there were handheld devices pointed at us to get information. All the other kids and teens were being tested in the same room, in the same ways. They discussed at length all of our opinions about sex and naughty things and the human body, and tried to guide us to say positive things about them, but made a gesture whenever someone said they were inhibited and then another alien went off where i couldnt see, probably to record the information?

They had a kind of television and showed us a lot of different kinds of pictures and video of people having sex. some were older, some were very young. some appeared to be in this same facility. They said things like 'this is good, this is the right way to live, these people are happier because they make more love. They told us some of them were family members.

The testing room is the one I mentioned earlier with the nice soft chairs for us to sit in. I saw a few kids were sitting two to a chair, side by side or a girl in a boy's lap.


They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose.

They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut- I didn't mind this part, everyone was getting the same. They pointed their devices at our whole body so the head wasnt strange.


They looked and felt at my breast. They examined my breast with something like x-rays or ultrasound equipment. They looked and felt at my stomach. They looked and felt at my back.

They spent a lot of time touching and analyzing my breasts, asking if it felt good, telling me my breasts are very good and i should like having them. i blushed a lot and had trouble answering, but they prodded me to reply.


They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction.

They had me stand up and do a variety of poses, including touch my toes, spread my legs, squat, and lift up my rear. Everyone else was being examined the same, but i saw the older boys also being given a heavy object to lift to test their muscles.


They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They examined the outside of my genitals and pelvic area with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck something looking like an ultrasound sond into my vagina.

They examined my intimate zone in other ways, they had me sit back and spread my legs and told me they were going to make me feel very good. they spent a long time touching my figa and put a long object inside that expanded and contracted repeatedly. i got very embarrassed and couldn't talk, but they kept asking me to tell them it felt good and encouraged me to be as loud as i wanted if i had a climax. then i did, they mostly let me sit comfortably in the chair but gave lots of instructions during the exam to move this part this way, and so on.


At the end they took us into a new room and sat us down looking at each other, they instructed us to get good looks at everyones body, that it's silly to be embarrassed about it. they spent a lot of time encouraging us to have sexual feelings, and told us to go ahead and have fun with each other. at first nobody did but then they got a bit forceful and pushed some of us together, and most started having sex with each other. the others they encouraged to watch and to touch themselves. only one girl seemed too young to be very interested.

My brother was there and they pushed us together. I said he was my brother and we cant, but they ignored me and urged us to go on anyway. I started to feel more okay with it and got horny, and he blushed a lot but he went ahead anyway and held me and rubbed on me. One alien told me to help guide him inside me and i did as he asked. we both had an orgasm. afterwards they encouraged couples to stay inserted for a long time and not move apart.

The new room had a very soft white floor and was very spacious, with very quiet kind of music you could only barely hear, like one note for a long time then another. it smelled kind of good, i think they put a perfume in the air.


They had destroyed our clothes earlier and said when we get home we should not put any more clothes on unless we have to. they didn't wipe us down this time.","they just told us we had done well and we should keep doing sex things whenever we can, and said we should never use contraception but try to get pregnant as much as possible and as early as possible. they also encouraged us to let as many people see, to record on media if possible and spread it around.


They brought me back in the same way as they took me, they put us on the same flat platforms and put us back in the vehicle and drove us back to the park then let us out.


I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. Things I had on me were missing. Other symptoms when I was back: a few people were a little embarrassed but mostly we didn't care and just went home, and continued to meet in the park as usual after school. i noticed the other girls who had been abducted never wore underwear under their skirts anymore, and boys would touch them a lot more. I kept having sex with boys after that and i found it was uncomfortable to wear clothes so i started sleeping nude and staying naked in my room when i could, and just a robe around the house.


Somenbody examined abducted the kids and tested them psychologically, culturally, sexually and bodily. They could be aliens, but more probably it was a secret governmental project or a project managed by some underground government. In that case the beings were just humans in disguize. There is nothing in the encounter that is not possible by techiques available by governmental projects.

The lack of reactions from the parents or other when the kids went back naked, seems to indicate that this was a wider social experiment using mind-controle techiques. It is also posible that the abductors only pretended to destroy the clothes, and that the kids went back cloded, but did not remember that they had taken the clothes on again because they were in a drugged state.

It looks like the abductors wanted the kids to get pregnant and bear babies as soon as possible, possible because they had some interests in the chilren that were to be born.


Girl, 15 yo, abducted from a forest trail and examined medically by aliens or governmental project

I am female. It happend in SW Colorado when i was 15. We were hiking on a trail outside a park. Somehow, i got separated. One minute, my friends were there, the next they were gone, and I walking alone.

How it all began:

Some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from. Some humans appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from. The beings that came walked normally.

First, I thought they were people walking to me. but it was fuzzy and i couldnt tell how many of them. When they got closer, something seemed wrong. I couldnt tell if they were male or female, and i got a little scared.

How they got me under controle and took me away:

I just got paralyzed as they approached me. They carried me away. They kept on carrying me into the vehicle through a door. I suddenly was inside the vehicle or some foreign place without knowing how it happened.

When they got close to me, I couldnt move, I was paralyzed. Something grabbed me and I felt myself on my side and being carried. The next thing I know, I wasnt outside anymore. I was in a room. I dont know if it was a vehicle or a building. It was so fast, and I didnt see anything from the outside.

How they prepared me for the ordeal:

They stripped me totally naked. They washed me. They let me lay waiting after the preparation at a sort of table. When waiting I was strapped down.

I couldnt tell how big it was. I couldnt see the walls. I would brought in and my clothes were taken off. They were just cut open and pulled off me. I was naked and the next thing i felt liquid on me. It was thicker than water. I felt hands or something moving all over me. under my arms, on my stomach and breasts. I felt my legs opened and hands pushing the liquid on my crotch and between my cheeks, and on my hair and face. when the liquid was on every bit of me, i felt another warmer liquid washing it all off.

My legs and arms were close to my body and I couldnt move. After I was washed, I couldnt move, but I didnt see any bindings. I could look straight up, and I felt everything. I felt my body tingling, my skin all over where the liquid was on me. I didnt see anything else in the room. I didnt even see aliens washing me, but I felt when they did.

Testing of mental and pysical reactions:

They monitored my reactions with devices on my head. They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They stimulated me with electrodes at various body parts and tested my reactions. I was kept in the same room as before during the tests.

I didnt see any equipment or anything on me. But I felt something, stimulation on a certain place in my body. I felt it first on my face, and I realized my face was no longer paralyzed. I could yell and cry out. I felt a sharp sensation on my cheeks, and I yelled. Then I felt it at different parts of my face and neck. I tried to keep quiet because I was scared.

Then I felt things on the rest of my body, on my fingers and elbows and under my arms. then on my nipples. It made me cry out, so they did it again. Sometimes they did a few pricks in a row, and then stopped. they varied how strong the sensations were. Sometimes it felt like my nipples were burning then it stopped and felt cold and then nothing. They went down my body and when they came to my vagina, i couldnt help squealing.

I felt different levels of pain and pressure on my labia and my clitoris for it seemed forever as they tried different things. When the pricking, I dont what else to call it, it was sensations but i couldnt see a needle, was done, there was silence.

Examinations at my head:

Then they started examining me with other things. They looked at and felt on my head, face, mouth, eyes, ears and nose. They put instruments onto my eyes and looked into them. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut. They examined my head with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They examined my head and neck in other ways.

They put something all around my face and inside my mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. I couldnt see any instrument, but i felt it. my mouth was opened and they did something in my throat. And i could feel something going inside my head from my ears and nose and eyes.

Exam at my breast, stomach and back area:

They looked and felt at my breast. They examined my breast with something like x-rays or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my breast. They examined my breast, stomach and back in other ways. I felt something go over my breast and stomach. They didnt poke my nipples this time, maybe because i reacted so strong when they did before. I just felt something go over me.

Examination of limbs and joints:

They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction. They examined my limbs and joints in other ways.

They moved my arms and legs all around. I felt my body sit up and then my arms and hands just did weird things. Then I was lied back down and my knees bent and my legs opened and closed. They never bent in a way that they couldnt though. I was afraid that they would break me, but they never did. It never hurt when they did this.

Intimate exam:

They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They stuck needles into my genitals. They examined my intimate zone in other ways.

They bent my knees and I felt my legs opening wide. I felt something under my hips raising me up, but I still lied back on the table. I felt so wide open and then I felt something go into my vagina. It was something thin and I yelled when it poked me. I dont know what it did.

Then i felt something bigger filling me and pushing into me. It pushed deep in me until i screamed when it pressed against my cervix. It stopped. I was, well I was really dry so it hurt when it was in me, but i tried not to scream until i couldnt help it.

I felt stimulation all over my vagina. Then I felt a sharp sensation around my clitorus. In a few seconds I felt myself getting aroused and became wet. I felt myself have an orgasm. Then i felt whatever was inside me start to move again. I felt better because I was now wet. I didnt know what was happening. I felt ashamed for having a climax but I couldnt move or do anything.

My arms were tight to my side. my legs were parted and my hips raised. they moved my legs all around. They turned me over and had my knees bend and my legs opened and closed. They examined my anus with just something thin and pokey. I felt hands or something over my legs, butt, feet. They roamed over all of my toes.

How I was prapered to go back and came back:

Same room. I never got my clothes back. The next thing i knew after the exams, I was lying on the dirt in the wilderness. I was naked. My nipples and my vagina were very sore, but nothing else hurt. They gave me no message of any kind during the ordeal.

I do not remember how I got out, but I woke up at the ground somewhere and walked back. I suddenly found myself there. I dont know how they carried me, It was a blur. I was able to move and i stood up. I was naked and i kept my legs together, something felt not right.

I felt like I had sex, my body was tingly all over. It was night in summer, and I realized I should be cold, but my heart was racing and I felt warm all over.

Symptoms after the ordeal:

I had bruices on parts of me. Other symptoms when I was back.

My skin felt wierd like it was washed with a solvent, but it didnt burn, just weird. My nipples were sore like they had been pinched over and over, and my vagina was sore like i had sex for a long time. I was wet inside and on my labia and I wanted to find something wipe myself.

It changed how I view everything. I was taken and touched and raped by aliens. They figured out how to manipulate my body so they could slide something into me. I got tested after. I didnt have anything, and I wasnt pregnant. I'm afraid though, that it might happened again.


This girl was surely put into a partly dormant and partly paralyzed state by someone using advanced technological equipment, probably with some frequencies of electromagnetic waves. She was then tested neurologically, sexual reactions were tested, specimens were taken from all parts of her and they looked into her with instruments in her openings.

Then there is the question who did it. All things told about in the story can be done with technology invented on Earth and already used by authorities. The beings appeared like normal humans, except that a couple of them possibly were camouflaged.

Nearly all the preparations and exams told about in the story, are standard procedures children often go through at hospitals and health centers. This is not commonly known, because the children are often examined these ways under general anesthesia, but sometimes they are awake, but given relaxing and paralyzing medications.

Therefore she was most likely abducted by some sort of governmental project for secret surveillance of children and teens. She was probably taken into some big van where the experimentation took place, or a building nearby.

Some communities in USA, Canada and Europe run projects where all children or teens, or selected onnes go through all the exams described in this story, at specific age levels. These exams commonly occur some time between 12 and 17, with 15 as typical. At these exams some kind of anesthesia is allways used, sometimes they are put to sleep, but sometimes they only get medication that relax or paralyze them and medication to take away pain.

The chidren are taken to the exams in various ways. Sometimes they are bussed in group from schools, from summer camps or institutions they live in to a center where it occurs. Sometimes the parents deliver the child to a center where it occurs. Sometimes a child is taken individually to a special room in school, at summer camp or the institution.

But sometimes the authorities prefere to abduct the kid from some place they know the kid will walk or stay. In these cases they seem to use som kind of paralyzing radio waves, sounds or lights. This seems to have happened with this girl.

I wonder if the girl participated in a summer camp or scout camp, and she was lead to a special building in the camp where it occured.

What happened to her clothes might have several explanations.

Perhaps the action she descibed as cutting away her clothes, was an accidental happening not intented. She probably had only thin minimal clothes in the warm summer day. Then they could not put her clothes back again.

Perhaps they kept her clothes for further analyzes. A lot of conlusions about her daily life can be made from substances to be found in clothes.

Perhaps she managed to escape before they had put her clothes on again.

The abductors possibly also got some unexpected trouble with timing, and just clipped her clothes up to get her naked as fast as possible, and then let her out naked in a hurry after the ordeal.

In either case, it was probably not intended that she should find herself naked at the ground without clotes, but something probably did not go as planned.

I strongly suspect that the doctor she reported to afterwards and that examined her for injuries or pregnancy, knew what had happened to her, but did not explain.

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