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Date Posted: 20:30:16 01/06/04 Tue
Author: Haaden
Subject: Hmm...
In reply to: Yumakami, so that one mightest rant on. 's message, "Breathe." on 14:50:19 01/06/04 Tue

OOC: Sorry I meant no offense. This is the same person (a Ms. not a Mr.) who posted the anon. message above. Since you insist on having a name my char. on this site is named Haaden and like Yumakami said I meant nothing by it. I hope you can forgive me for any insult I may have unintentionally given.

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[> [> [> [> [> OOC: I feel I should explain myself... -- Virgil, 05:30:42 01/07/04 Wed

OOC: *shrug* I've been roleplaying for years, and as such, I've seem some pretty pathetic sites... Most I find, when someone joins, they just join, and are rather ignored until they finally can find a way to jump in, and as the newcomers know nothing of what goes on around them, either they make fools of themselves or don't really enter in. I also find it easier if I know who's talking to me at all times, I don't really mind or care about the politeness of it, if someone yells at me, I want to know who they are, usually just to know who I need to prove myself to, blame my characteristics, or blame my previous bad experiences, it's a quirk of me. That post had just been one on a list of many grievances, and, unfortunately I guess, it was something I could do something about, so I did. I done did Wufei proud, whether or not I should have done it, I think it was one of my best rants ever. It's also a good example of the fact that I don't take things sitting down, done that too much, ran out of patience for it sort of... Eh, I'm done, can't think of anything else to say. Yeah. Ta.

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