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Date Posted: 18:11:00 01/10/04 Sat
Author: Haaden
Subject: Haaden noticed the young elf maid by herself, apparently searching for something or someone. The human girl stood up from the chair she was sitting is and stretched out her slightly stiff muscles. Then flipping her short, golden-blonde hair with a quick turn of her head she walks toward the elf maid. Smiling Haaden steps up to Encalyma and in a friendly way says "Nice day isn't it?"
In reply to: Encalyma 's message, ":: T.omboy.* ::" on 13:23:13 01/09/04 Fri

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[> [> ... -- Encalyma, 21:04:08 01/10/04 Sat

:: A flicker of recognition enters into the young elven woman's azure optics as she spots the girl walking towards her, though, she can't exactly place a name to her face. What was it? Hadie? Hidie? Ha... Haa... Oh, drat it. Flipping her long raven tresses out of her face and over her shoulder, she offers the other a friendly smile as she inclines her head slightly ::

"Yes, it is a nice day."

:: Being a bit of a loner, Encalyma usually never seeks out conversation unless she is in one of her extremely lonely spells... sort of how she is at the moment, but now that she finds herself staring a conversation straight in the face... she has no clue what to say. Parting her lips, as though to speak, the maiden finds herself unable to say anything. Bringing one of her slender hands to her mouth to cough gently she then starts to try again, hoping that her brain would function properly this time ::

"So... pardon me if I sound rude... but I can't quite remember your name."

:: Offering the other a small smile in apology, Encalyma then thrusts her hands deep into her pockets once more as she observes the other with her shimmering orbs, peering out at her from behind a dark curtain of her hair that has fallen over her face ::

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[> [> [> ...OOC sorry it's took a while to reply I've had finals. -- Haaden, 06:30:33 01/14/04 Wed

Smiling kindly Haaden winks at Encalyma. With a short laugh she replies "I'm Haaden and don't worry I'm not too good with names either."
Then seeming to look beyond Encalyma foor a moment Haaden quickly shakes her head and seeming to come back to reality she says "Are you looking for someone? Maybe I can help you find them."

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[> [> [> [> Smiling kindly Haaden winks at Encalyma. With a short laugh she replies "I'm Haaden and don't worry I'm not too good with names either." -- Haaden, 16:10:49 01/28/04 Wed

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