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Date Posted: 20:11:50 02/04/06 Sat
Author: Korin
Subject: Alchemy galore

Korin stretches back.After food like that,he felt like making something different.Korin got up and started looking around the cavern and gathers the rare mushrooms he had come for:some tigpie mushroom,Gloranus,and then the rarest type:pygmie glyph mushroom.he looked it up and down in awe.this was the key ingredient to the potion that was said to heal any and every aspect of nature at once.he noticed the pygmie glyph mushroom had nature runes glowing on it.the Gloranus mushroom however,flashed a bright green.he gazed in awe at the three ingredients to the potion of nature.Eagerly,Korin started to grind the mushrooms together.he added some water from the ocean,then some Winterspring water from his homeland.Korin mixed these,then sat down to nap.it would be six days before the potion was ready.

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[> A tall elven girl wandered into the cavern. She was different than most elves. It almost appeared that she had rejected her heritage for a more human appearance. She wore a large broad sword buckled at her waist. Her clothing was made of thick, brown leather. Her long blonde hair was messy and she had a hardened look to her. She took a seat at a table near where Korin was. -- Cadence, 09:34:08 03/06/06 Mon

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[> :) -- Wolf'ika, 10:00:33 01/13/07 Sat

Wolf walks into the cavern confidently Dasrk Purple robes billowing behind her her hood obscuring her face from view, hiding the nervousness expression playing across her face, Glancing around she gives a small nodd to the occupants of the room before sitting at a bench slightly away from everyone as not to intrude.

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