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Date Posted: 13:25:01 08/08/02 Thu
Author: Justina
Subject: *Enters the blue room*

*Dame enters the blue room carrying her sac over her shoulder. She stops and looks around in awe. A Bed... a closet... a room She thinks It has been so long since I've slept in a real bed She smiles content with her surroundings. She closes the door behind her and locks it, she undresses. She is covered from head to toe in dirty, at least it was cammoflage from hunters in the forest. It wouldn't be plesant to be shot with an arrow. Justina then washed her self with a wash cloth and with some soap she'd been saving. Her hair washed clean. When she was finnished she wrapped herself in a towel and set out to open her sac.

She opened her sac and the content pretty much flung itself out. She looked at her clothes, she had only one dress of the 4 she had that was worth keeping. It was in decent condition, but the others had to go. They were barely held together and were unfixable. Next she handled her knife, it was still shiny even though it was well used, the handle was of dark wood and had a small inscription on it.
J'aimerai a la mort, jusqu'au temps que je te revoir

Justina then looked at her flute, she put it aside, for later she would bring it to Salara's to play. She held some of her left over provisions in her hand and put it beside her left over provisions. She brought out a bag of oats that she had to give to her colt, a hair brush, a curry comb, a quill along with some parchment, a bottle of perfume and some spices. She dug down in her bag past her undergarments and jacket and found a little wooden box. She opened it with care and it held all her most valued possesions. It held her money ( she was well off), a gold pendant, a brotch, some earings a pearl necklace and a ring with a small diamond on it. It also held, a few rock and feathers from the various places she'd been and her favorite thing, a glass marble of light blue. Justina then dressed in her most decent clothes and cloak. She then looked in the mirror for the first time in weeks and saw herself.I've grown she thought. She was no longer untidy and dirty. She was beautiful, she had fair skin and rosy cheeks. Her dark blue eyes were as deep as pools. Her lips of a beutiful red. Her locks were long and blond, they were like the waves of the ocean. She would have looked almost like a princess if it hadn't been for her clothes and the faint rings around her eyes.*

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