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Date Posted: 23:03:25 06/28/01 Thu
Author: caleb
Subject: my god

my god but life can get boring when you are'nt around. Every night around eleven I feel likesomething is missing. Durring the day I can just read(I have read just over 300 pages of stuff) and play computer games to heart's content, but come the late evening I have developed this primal urge to go out into the city and walk for no reason to nowhere. Hmmmmm not a positive development when alone. My greatest success since my last post has been the creation of a new sim city which will possibly rival the old one which I had to ditch due to the never ending flood. Anyway, going to sleep now. I guess that was not a very informative post. Sorry. Oh by the way, It finally got really hot here. Some whacked out cousin of mine has been staying in my sister's room though which means I have no air conditioning. grrrr. Anyway gtg. too tired for the usual signature but it has not changed.

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