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Date Posted: 20:51:36 05/23/07 Wed
Author: FTL boy
Subject: fucking mp3 players

So I can't find any place on ebay that will sell me just the clip for my iriver so I am now purchasing a third mp3 player. So hey, if you happen to need a new one, I can just keep em coming. Also, have been ignoring calls from matt becuase really don't want to hear about new girlfriend. Had HUGE amounts of fun at my mom's party. I not only got to answer the "what are you doing now?" question quite frequently, I was also asked the "how is / i hear you have a girlfriend" question. Apparently my mom told everyone about the relationship to the nice successful graduated on-time girl but did not mention the breakup to anyone.

New information on the Girls Prep scene. Apparently everyone really liked me and were very happy with my answers to all the questions. However, I did not manage to convince people that I specifically wanted to work at Girls Prep versus say another charter. This is totally baffling to both me and my sister since an entire paragraph in my cover letter was devoted to the reasons why girls prep was my first choice place of employment and I also spoke about it a lot. Not quite sure what is going on there. The good news is that no names have been forwarded to the principle yet.

My parents are leaving for Ireland tomorrow and staying for six days. This should be pretty nice since I can go out and work in the living room and the kitchen and not have to hide in the kids' end of the house. That's all for now. You probably won't read this before I see you so I guess this was more of an agnsty adventure in typing than an actual form of communication.

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