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Date Posted: 16:37:05 07/30/01 Mon
Author: me
Subject: This has nothign to do with dreams or Matt...just venting
In reply to: Caleb 's message, "Dreams" on 14:02:44 07/30/01 Mon

I just need to say that my brother is actuallyt he biggest fucking, most immatue asshole EVER! He's acting like so much of a dick that it's comical. I'm just sitting her in hysterics, because could he PLEASE ACT LIKE MORE OF A TWO-YEAR-OLD! I actually dont think it's possible. So basically he's pissed that MY DOG ate the last hamburger bun which my MOTHER left out...I didn't see it out, so therefore, I'm being "irresponsible." What a lazy dick. So I call him a patronizing jerk and get this OH MY GOD this is the best part, like a 3 1/2 year old HE CALLS MY PARENTS!!! DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT?! And I overhear him saying that I am not capable of acting like a human being!!!! and that his "blood pressure is going through the roof." OVER A FUCKING HAMBURGER BUN THAT MY DOG ATE. AND NOW MY PARENTS ARE MAD AT ME...god, this is just so incredibly fucking funny that my brother is such a two-year-old...he might as well start crawling on the fucking floor, because afterall, that is where he belongs and is the stage in growth development in which he belongs...maybe he is teething and is therefore cranky. Who knows?! It's comical..but yes, now my parents will come home and yell at us violently when actually it was my fucking mother's fault for leaving the BUN OUT!!! MY GOD!!! This just cracks me up! Ok, I've ranted and am still burning, but this was a little relief. Ha, if anybody reads this, they will laugh a lot and very very very hard.
- yours truly "my blood pressure is going trhough the FUCKING room" AHAHAHA

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  • Re: Dreams -- me, 11:45:54 07/31/01 Tue
  • me rambling -- Yvonne, 19:58:04 08/05/01 Sun
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