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Date Posted: 20:57:23 08/15/01 Wed
Author: a poor assless chew
Subject: I've watched WAY too many John Cusack romantic comedies

Ok, so neither of us have posted in a while. We should start doing this on a more regular basis, because responding/reading gives me something to do in the wee hours of the night when I should either be out being sociable or getting ass. But, , as we both know, neither of us engage in that life style. When you think about it, it is supremely saddening that Ms. (or should I dare type Mrs.) Mandell has more of a life than us. But anyway, I just watched Chasing Amy (which believe it or not, I had never seen before) which I like quite a lot. It made me even more depressed though. Yeah, so hmmmm, I'm not going to post about being depressed that school is knocking on the door or that I have no life or Matt or any of our usual topics. Instead, I shall write about ________________!!! Wow, that list of topics that I promised that I wouldn't write about is really the only thing that goes on in my head...yet another reminder of how pathetic I am. But hmm, ooo ooo, Jonathan and his little posse annoy me even when I havn't communicated with them for 5 months. Jamie called me for the first time in ages,which I'm so sorry to admit wasn't that bad. Anyway, he just reminded me of all the stupid Jon shit that went on when I was good friends with them. (Shit that you wouldn't understand just becasue you weren't with us...but grrrr, he makes me mad). For example, I was fucking GENEROUS and KIND (patting myself on the back) to lend him my 4-track, and now he thinks it's some huge, fucking joke and conspiracy to withold my OWN equipment from me. Ha! That's one reason why he hasn't called in 5 months...very nice, huh? Anyway, so that mildly irritated me. And that Bryn girl irritates me..oh, and the new theory is that Curtis is gay, because he doesn't sleep aroudn like the rest of them...that makes me feel good lol. Am I a man to him? LOL. First of all, he's not gay. If anything, we thought Jon was gay, and well, from what I hear, he's not. But anyway, that was irritating, and I"m sure that right about now you're doing that thing where you pretend to listen to me and then don't. (Can you still do that when it's the written word? That's pretty impressive.) Yeah, so that's all I really had to say. In fact, as you can judge from this enthralling entry, I didn't really have anything to say. I was just in a writing mood. So if you stop reading here, I will pretend not to be enormously insulted. Yeah, so in terms of our life, nothing's really on my mind. Matt's not even bothering me right now. Oh, that's right..he's away. :-P No, really, there's very little drama right now, which is nice. I have enough drama with myself to have to deal with drama with you guys. Let's see if this first issue gets out without fighting. That should be fun! Well, I think I'm all typed out. So I will see you tomorrow (Thursday)at our glorious educational institution.
Until then-
Another day without anyone......

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