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Date Posted: 21:40:56 12/27/01 Thu
Author: caleb
Subject: heloo

Well, I am rather sad right now. Melinda has run away from home and is living with some boy who has apparently also run away from home. She never comes to see my grandmother anymore. Plus her parents have allready gotten rid of her stuff and are using her room. How sick and twisted is that. So I don't even know where to address my next fucking letter.
Her sister, the good child, has dropped out of some state college and is now taking classes from home over the internet. Now if she, the good girl, can only get an internet education, chances are looking slim for my favorite fuck-up. Melinda is really intelligent and I feel really bad going to oberlin because I know she would do just as well. But it looks like she's not even going to finish highschool. Instead she will grow up to be a fat hick tending house (read shack) for some potbellied fool.
Anyway, there I posted.

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