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Date Posted: 19:44:22 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Caleb
Subject: Re: two more weeks to post in NYC
In reply to: Yvonne 's message, "two more weeks to post in NYC" on 10:07:43 08/12/02 Mon

I check everyday day too. I am just too lazy to post anything. But here you are posting your ass off and now I feel guilty. Well, what to write. We need to:
1.Finish/start scrap books
2.Have dinner with my dad
3.Make our own dinner
4.Take another legendary walk
5.Get our shit from Trinity
6.Go poster shopping
7.Go clothing shopping
8.Bar with Jenna
9.See blue crush
Wanna go poster shopping tomarrow. Or will you be at Kirsten's? We could get our shit from Trinity too. Say our fond farewells. Bitching about Matt: Well, I know that we always get into petty fights. I know that I participate in them as well as Matt. That really sucks. They get really annoying. But it just seems that everytime we see him, he has to make fun of me. Its like he has to put me down in order to look better. It never happens when we are alone together. Only when you are around. I make fun of matt too. But usually in private where he can't hear. Not that doing so is any more admirable then doing it to his face, but it sparks less fighting. Maybe I have a scewed perspective on this whole thing, maybe I start it as much as Matt does, but it does not feel that way. Drooling over Jenna: What's the dealwith XXX? Does she actually want to see it again or is she just being nice? If she does, then how do I go about initiating this. We have never done anything together without you before. Do I just call and say "Hi Jenna, how's the familly-wide eating disorder going? By the way, want to see XX?"

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