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Date Posted: 09:48:41 07/01/01 Sun
Author: Roy
Subject: Re: Did you feel the mountains tremble?
In reply to: James 's message, "Re: Did you feel the mountains tremble?" on 01:48:51 07/01/01 Sun

Looks like it's just u and me James. Hehe..

Oh well...

have u checked out the discussions that other people have already?


Some thoughts there. I admit, my 'england' is not the very 'powderful'. But to go along the lines of what you suggest that the line means celebrating injustice would be awkward and out of context of the entire song.

I think some guys on the other disussion was suggesting that to 'dance upon' is to attack and defeat injustice. Wouldn't it be nice if Martin Smith himself could explain what he meant when he wrote the words. =)

There are some songs, choruses and hymns, that sometimes I do not understand or like 'dubious'. I think ,sometimes it's just a matter of the languange, and others really 'something wrong'. Or at times, there are things that I may not be aware of or have not learnt.

One lesson to learn is that, we are to be watchful and be aware of what we do, say, sing ....

As to singing of songs as a form of worship. I'm so glad that God looks at our hearts, our heart of worship. That we'll bring him more than a song. It's truly, all about Jesus.

I believe that if we truly seek Him, we will find Him.

To God be the glory, forever and ever.

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