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Subject: Face shape calculator!

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Date Posted: 06/23/01 7:23am

I get a lot of email from women asking me what their face shape is. Short of analyzing your face and features first hand(send me a pic if you still can;t figure it out) use the following:

Determining Face Shape

While there are lots of suggestions on how to figure out your shape, from outlining your face shape on a mirror with lipstick to draping it with a towel and asking others to help you guess the shape, there is actually a scientific way to determine your face shape once and for all.

To find out the shape of your face measure it with a tape measure or ruler. You will take the following measurements.

1. Measure your face across the top of your cheekbones. Write down the measurement on a piece of paper.

2. Measure across your jaw line from the widest point to the widest point. Write down the measurement.

3. Measure across your forehead at the widest point. Generally the widest point will be somewhere about halfway between your eyebrows and your hairline. Write down the measurement.

4. Measure from the tip of your headline to the bottom of your chin.

Common Face Shape Characteristics
Listed below are the most common shapes. It is possible that your face may not fit exactly into any one category and may be a combination of shapes.

Most people will fit into one of the major categories which include:

Oval Face - Length equal to one and a half times width.

Round Face - Your face is as wide as it is long. This may vary a little but generally the measure is close.

Long - Longer than it is wide.

Heart - Narrow at jaw line, wide at forehead and cheekbones.

Square - Forehead, jaw line and cheekbones are almost equal in width.

Diamond - Wide cheeks, narrow forehead and jaw line.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Face shape calculator!KNM12/20/01 5:46am
Re: Face shape calculator!Eleanor (Confused)01/28/11 3:54pm
Re: Face shape calculator!kim08/ 3/12 1:11pm

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