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Date Posted: 15:43:36 07/24/01 Tue
Author: TONS!!! (inside for names)
Author Host/IP:
Subject: P L A Y

Gwenith(red dragonet)
Raid(bronze fire lizard)
Flare(chestnut runnerbeast)
Fyrth(bronze dragonet)
Akis(green fire lizard)
Truth(green dragonet)
Trill(blue fire lizard)
Arborth(brown dragonet)
Lake(blue fire lizard)
Charinth(bronze dragonet)
Shadowen(brown fire lizard)

The morning was quite chilly but the five humans, five dragons, five fire lizards, and two runners approach the grounds. Gwenith, Fyrth, and Charinth were growing rapidly now as were Truth and Arborth. Raid trills from his perch upon the red haired Amberle's shoulders and his jeweled sphere's swirl faster in excitement. Suddenly all the fire lizards take flight twirling and dancing in intricate loops making various sounds. The two blue's Trill and Lake dive down upon Flare and the runner rises up in fear. T'rril whom was gripping the reins gives a solid jerk and calms the excited beast. K'vven laughs and scratches Fyrth fondly while Akis gives a jealous cheep. Chrysea mounts the runner and with a few clicks is out at a full canter. Truth follows close behind for a few moments but is soon passed by the two bronzes. Fyrth and Charinth take the lead followed by Gwenith and Arborth. Truth gives a surprised squeal as she finds herself last and gives up making a neat landing upon the soft soil near S'hade. Amberle, K'vven, S'hade, and T'rril settle themselves neatly upon the grass to watch their growing dragons play. One by one the fire lizards sweep down to land beside their humans.

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