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Date Posted: 22:02:51 09/28/01 Fri
Author: Nikolai von Kreitor
Subject: Pakistan's Ex-spy Chief Blames Mossad

Pakistan's ex-spy chief blames Mossad

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan, Sept. 26 (UPI) -- The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States were perpetrated by renegade U.S. Air Force elements working in conjunction with Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, according to the retired Pakistani general who is closest to the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.
Gen. Hameed Gul, head of Inter Services Intelligence, the equivalent
of a CIA-cum-FBI combination, during the war against the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan, spent two weeks in the war-torn country
immediately prior to Sept. 11. He has been acting as "strategic
adviser" to Pakistan's extremist religious political parties. Four
religious leaders left his house in the army's principal garrison
town as this reporter arrived at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. The interview
lasted 90 minutes.
Already countless millions of Muslims believe that the World Trade
Center and Pentagon suicide attacks were part of a Mossad plot to
force the United States into confrontation with the Muslim world. Now
Gul has added a new disinformation wrinkle to the plot. And what Gul
says or writes is taken at face value by religious leaders and is
repeated in thousands of mosques at Friday prayers.
In an exclusive interview with United Press International, the
fundamentalist general said it is now clear that there was also a
plot by U.S. Air Force officers against the Pentagon.
"The twin towers were first attacked at 8:45 a.m.," he said, "and
four flights were diverted from their assigned air space, and yet Air
Force jets didn't scramble until 10 a.m. That smacks of a small-scale
Air Force rebellion, a coup attempt against the Pentagon perhaps?
Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No IFF -- friend or foe
identification -- challenge ... This was clearly an inside job.
(President) Bush was afraid and rushed to the shelter of a nuclear
"(Bush) clearly feared a nuclear situation. Who could that have been?
Will that also be hushed up in the investigation, like the Warren
report after the Kennedy assassination?"
Gul said that his friend bin Laden had sworn to him on the Koran that
he was not involved.
"From a cave inside a mountain or a peasant's hovel," Gul asked, how
could bin Laden mount such a sophisticated operation? "Let's be
serious," he said with a smile. "Mossad and its American associates
are the obvious culprits," he added by asking, "Who benefits from the
Asked why Israel would benefit, Gul replied, "Israel knows it has a
short shelf-life before it is overwhelmed by demographics (and it)
has now handed the (Bush administration) the opportunity it has been
waiting for to consolidate America's imperial grip on the Gulf and
acquire control of the Caspian basin by extending its military
presence in Central Asia."
Gul said the U.S. plan was "the destabilization of Pakistan because
it is a Muslim nuclear state. The U.S. wants to isolate Pakistan from
China as part of its containment policy. President Nixon's book 'The
Real War' said China would be the superpower of the 21st century. The
U.S. is also creating hostility between Pakistan and Afghanistan, two
Muslim states, to reverse the perception that the Islamic world now
has its own nuclear weapons. Bush 43 doesn't realize he is being
manipulated by people who understand geopolitics. He is not leading
but being led. All he can do is think in terms of the wanted-dead-or-
alive culture which is how Hollywood conditions the masses to think
and act."
"Bush 43" is actually Washington shorthand for distinguishing
President George W. Bush from his father. President George W. Bush is
the 43rd president: George Bush Sr. was the 41st.
Gul admitted that he turned against America when the United States
walked away from Afghanistan following the Soviet withdrawal in 1989.
"We were all pro-American (during the war) but then America left us
in the lurch and everything went to pieces, including Afghanistan."
Asked if the United States was now his enemy, Gul replied, "Is the
U.S. national interest in contradiction with the Muslim world? The
U.S. needs oil, as do its European allies. You have between 6 and 8
million American Muslims and their ranks are growing. About the same
number in Europe. Israel aside, we are America's natural allies.
Professor Sam Huntington in his (book) 'Clash of Civilizations' puts
Confucius and Judeo-Christians in one corner, and us in the other.
His prescription is wrong but is being adopted by Bush 43 who has now
put 60 countries on his hit list. This is the diabolical school that
wants to launch an anti-Muslim 'crusade.' Muslims understood what
Bush meant when he used that word. We need a meeting, not a clash, of
If Pakistan gives the U.S. base facilities, Gul warned, "we will have
a national upheaval" and if the United States attacks Afghanistan,
there will be "a general jihad (holy war) ... and Pakistan will be
engulfed in the firestorm. So I can only hope that cooler heads will
prevail in Washington."
Asked to consider the possibility that bin Laden -- or OBL as he is
referred to in Pakistani conversations -- was lying to him and is
indeed guilty as charged by the United States, Gul said, "If Taliban
are given irrefutable evidence of his guilt, I am in favor of a fair
trial. In America one is entitled to a jury of peers. But he has no
American peers. The Taliban would not object, in the event of a prima
face case, to an international Islamic court meeting in The Hague.
They would extradite Osama to the Netherlands."
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.
Tuesday September 18 6:52 PM ET
Father Denies Son's Involvement
By SARAH EL DEEB, Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - The father of Mohamed Atta, one of the suspected
pilots in the Sept. 11 suicide attacks on the United States,
condemned the loss of life from the attacks but denied his son was
The 65-year-old father, Mohamed al-Amir al-Sayed Awad Atta, angrily
denounced the United States, his voice breaking as he shouted,
accusing Washington of trying to impose its will on the Muslim world.
``I don't approve the killing of innocents and civilians, never, no
matter what the reasons are,'' the elder Atta told The Associated
Press at his home in Cairo's Haram neighborhood Tuesday. ``We are
Muslims and we do not allow the killing of innocents.''
The elder Atta said he recognized his son from photographs in
newspapers of the alleged suicide hijacker, but he denied his son was
involved and said he had spoken to him after the attacks took place.
``I spoke to him four or five days ago. I think after the incident.
About 48 hours after (the attacks),'' the father said.
The elder Atta, who recently underwent heart surgery, said his son
would not discuss anything about where he was because he didn't want
to upset the father.
He said his son might have been kidnapped and his papers stolen to
implicate him in the attacks.
``He has nothing to do with politics ... with any kind of activities,
no ideology and no political information,'' he said.
The FBI says the younger Atta, 33, was among the hijackers who seized
American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to slam into the World
Trade Center.
His father, a lawyer, accused the Americans of spreading
misinformation, calling the United States ``a thug'' that ``wants to
impose its will with an iron fist.''
A United States decision to strike at Afghanistan will only ``divide
the world in two,'' he said, accusing the United States of plotting
the attacks, with the help of the Israeli intelligence, the Mossad.
Wednesday September 26 2:19 PM ET
Muslims Demand Proof on bin Laden
By MORT ROSENBLUM, AP Special Correspondent
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) - An aged imam who abhors bloodshed in
Allah's name has no sympathy for those who chant praises to Osama bin
Laden. But, like most Pakistanis, he makes the same demand: Show us
the proof.
``Those who did this are not Muslims, not Jews, not Christians,''
said Mohammed Ameer Shah Gillani, 82, with family roots 450 years
deep in this ancient hub of South Asia. ``They are killers. But who
are they?''
Two weeks after assaults on the United States, initial shock has
faded into nagging difficult questions for people used to things not
being what they seem.
The imam cited tenets of the Quran, as well as the Bible and the
legal system that British colonizers brought. ``If you kill innocent
people to punish,'' he said, ``you only compound the crime.''
His son Ghulam ul Sayedain, 56, who fondly recalls 12 years in
America, agreed. ``I hate this man, bin Laden, and how he blackens
Islam,'' he said. ``Still, what evidence says he did this thing?''
Sayedain's voice rose with anger as he talked of Sept. 11.
``The American people should find and kill terrorists throughout the
world,'' he said. ``If they need help, I am ready. The culprits
belong to Satan. They have no right to play with lives. First, I want
Three brothers added their assent. Yes, they had heard Secretary of
State Colin Powell say he had an ironclad case but could not reveal
details. All five Gillanis dismissed this out of hand.
``If we do not hear the evidence, then we will not believe the
Americans,'' the imam said.
Pakistanis may admire America, Sayedain said, but few carry that to
blind faith. In the past, he explained, people have seen from
Washington too many half-truths, damaging blunders and cynical policy
The Gillanis' view is heard widely in cities and comfortable suburbs
across Pakistan. In destitute neighborhoods like those ringing the
old center of Peshawar, views are often less nuanced.
``Israel did it,'' said Mohammed Wali, 21, with thick black hair and
a piercing gaze. ``Just before the attack, 4,000 Jews secretly left
the World Trade Center. I know this. The source was American
This version, down to its far-fetched details, has blanketed the
Peshawar region - the Gillanis asked about it - and many accept it as
fact. Some imams preach it in mosques.
``I am certain this is true, even my grandfather told me,'' said 20-
year-old Mohammed Ishaq. ``The Jews took all their money, and they
fled. Israelis want to blame bin Laden and Muslims.''
Raanan Gissin, one of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's top
aides, has dismissed the claim of Israeli involvement in the attacks
as ``nonsense.'' The Bush administration has made it clear it
considers bin Laden and his al-Qaida organization responsible for the
attacks, and European countries have arrested more than a dozen
suspects allegedly linked to bin Laden.
However, a show of hands among the Wali's eight friends showed they
shared his view that Israel was behind the attacks. Each said they
had heard it on the radio or had read it in newspapers. All cited the
source as U.S. intelligence officers.
Wali, who describes his work as ``business,'' had just walked out of
Afghanistan over unwatched passes used by smugglers. Afghans fear
American bombings, he said, but would protect bin Laden.
When asked to reconcile contradictions in his version of events, Wali
stood firm. ``Can anyone prove that bin Laden did it?'' he asked.
``Who would benefit most? Jews want to destroy Islam and take over
Nearby, in a row of slums built where old gravestones had been
removed, 65-year-old Haji Mohammed Anwer had a similar version.
He shut his dry goods shop years ago when the Afghan refugee crisis
soured the economy. A son in Saudi Arabia supports his large family.
Even though he is poor, he said, Afghans are Muslim brothers in need
of help.
``A country already in bad shape after 30 years of war, how can it be
involved in terrorism?'' Anwer replied, when asked his thoughts.
``Israel did it. Mossad agents. It is a trap to get Muslims to fight
each other.''
Abdul Jalil, a 40-year-old building contractor who cannot read,
offered the same explanation. He might change his mind if persuaded
by hard facts, he added, but felt sure he already had the truth.
Their neighbor, a 19-year-old fine arts student named Amar Ahmed, has
no doubts.
``All my friends are convinced Israel did this,'' he said.
``According to Muslim beliefs and the sayings of the Prophet, Osama
is right. He is keeping Islam from death. He will restore the lost
glory of Islam.''
Although no one has reliable numbers, specialists who know Pakistan
well estimate that fundamentalists number fewer than 20 percent of
the population. Many are young products of extremist religious
schools which fill an educational void in a country fallen on hard
times. Pupils pay nothing to attend and learn hard-line Islam with
other lessons.
``I would say that these Muslims who believe in violence and
extremism now account for no more than 15 percent of our total, but
they are growing fast,'' Imam Ameer Shah Gillani said.
``If Americans and others can root out the right culprits, then in 10
years' time, there may be no extremists who support terror. If they
can't, or get the wrong people, who can say? Maybe they will be 40
Thursday September 20 3:53 PM ET
Libya Accused of Political Trial
By DONNA ABU-NASR, Associated Press Writer
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - It began in the summer of 1998, when several
infants died and no one immediately knew why.
Three years later, six Bulgarians and a Palestinian - all doctors and
nurses - face the death penalty if they are convicted of killing 393
children by injecting them with blood contaminated with the AIDS
A panel of five state judges will hand down its verdict Saturday. The
defendants have pleaded innocent and some have complained their
interrogators extracted confessions using torture, including electric
shocks and beating.
The case has raised concern among human rights groups and some in the
medical community, who have complained about reports that HIV-
contaminated plasma was discovered at a defendant's apartment while
she was in police custody and the refusal of the court to allow
expert opinion from Switzerland and France.
Amnesty International has said ``there have been serious
irregularities in ... pretrial proceedings.''
Bulgaria has accused Libya of holding a political trial and has
repeatedly called for an independent team of international experts to
study the case and testify.
Luc Perrin, head of virology at Geneva University Hospital, said the
contamination was caused by ``bad medical practices.''
Perrin, who examined 40 of the children, said at least half were also
infected with hepatitis C, which suggests the hospital had reused
needles. The court has refused to allow Perrin to testify.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, predictably, has said the CIA or the
Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, were behind the childrens'
illnesses. He has blamed other crises on the United States and
Israel, both which accuse Libya of supporting terrorism.
In light of lack of witnesses and proper court procedures, diplomats
suggested Libya could have ulterior motives in bringing the case to
court. It could be trying to divert attention from horrendous medical
conditions at some of its state-run hospitals, where disposable
instruments are repeatedly reused and basic rules of hygiene are not
observed, they said. Libya could also be trying to make Bulgaria
forgive it its debts, estimated at $300 million.
The case of the infected children was brought to light in 1998 by the
Libyan magazine La, which is in the coastal city of Benghazi, where
the Al-Fateh children's hospital is located.
The magazine included the story of twin girls who were born in
Benghazi on Aug. 2, 1998. A month later, one of the babies fell
seriously ill and her father took her to Al-Fateh hospital, where she
received a blood test and a checkup. Three months later, a social
worker visited the girls' home and insisted on conducting new tests,
saying the baby might have been infected with viral hepatitis. The
baby's twin and mother were also tested. The results showed the baby
who had been hospitalized was infected with HIV, the virus that
causes AIDS.
Several parents told the magazine the hospital did not tell them
their children were infected. The government closed down La a few
weeks after its reports were published.
In November 1998, a group of desperate fathers interrupted a medical
conference Gadhafi was attending in Benghazi and appealed to him for
A few weeks later, the government detained scores of hospital staff
before narrowing its list to the Bulgarians and the Palestinian. They
have been held since February 1999.
At an AIDS conference in Nigeria in April, Gadhafi called the
infections in his country ``an odious crime.''
``Who charged (the medics) with this task? Some said it was the CIA.
Others said it was Mossad,'' Gadhafi said.
Besides the murder and conspiracy counts, the Bulgarians are charged
with drinking in public - alcohol is banned in Libya - and engaging
in extramarital sex. Nine Libyans charged in the same case are out on
Othman el-Bezanti, the lawyer defending the Bulgarians, said that if
they are found guilty, they have two stages of appeal.

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