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Date Posted: 20:10:22 12/04/06 Mon
Author: Kiri (cheerful)
Subject: Canidate Kiri

Name: Kiri of Benden
Gender and Age: Female, 16
Appearance: Tall. She is whipcord thin and loves to run, if things get to be to much for her she goes running. Kiri can hear all
dragons the way Lorana could(Dragonsblood By Todd Mccaffry)and she knows uncannilly Benden well. Her face is an angular
heart shape framed by straight flame colored hair and she has odd amber eyes.
Personality: Wild and a fast runner. Kiri dreams constantly about flying on the back of a huge queen with sappire teardrop
markings about her eyes. Kiri is free-spirited and cheerful except when she is causing an uproar with her mischief.
Skills: Kiri is a helpful young girl. she works well with dragons and is good at treating draconic injuries and running
messages. Kiri is amazingly good at finding anyone in the wyer at any given time and so is in high demand to run messages. Also
she will tell you who the dragon who dies is before the dragons tell their riders.

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