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Date Posted: 12:38:48 06/23/01 Sat
Host-LEP We're thrilled to have Michelle Williams chatting here with us tonight!
Host-Excite Welcome Michelle!
Host-Excite Thanks for joining us here tonight.
Host-LEP Welcome Michelle!
Michelle_Williams Welcome to the online chat and prepare to have some fun.
Host-Excite Let's get started with some questions that people sent in earlier this week.
Host-Excite And then we'll take some from you guys in the Audience!
Host-Excite Let's take a question about your tour:
Host-Excite Kathie from Vancouver: When you arrive in a new city for a concert or promotion do you actually get to do sight seeing? or are you in and out?
Michelle_Williams It depends on how many days I'm there. Sometimes we'll have an hour or two to get something to eat or do some shopping.
Host-Excite Question from LatinLovly1:Hi Michelle. You seem so sweet. What do you enjoy doing when you're not working? And which artists that are out now do you and the girls listen to?
Michelle_Williams When I'm home I just like to sit around and watch tv, wash clothes. I don't have a maid or anything. When I come home, I basically try to prepare for the next trip.
Michelle_Williams I listen to Chicago. I love them.
Michelle_Williams I listen to all types of music, form gospel to hip hop.
Host-Excite That really shows in your music...
Host-Excite You guys pull from lots of different genres.
Michelle_Williams We are definitely influenced by all types of music. Michael Jackson, Tina Turner.
Host-Excite Question from meljc2000:What's the craziest thing a fan has done for you, Michelle?
Michelle_Williams I wouldn't say it was crazy, but it was nice. People have bought me food: pot pies, crackers.
Michelle_Williams Crazy, I guess, I know we have fans that meet us at the hotels or know what gate we'll be at.
Michelle_Williams It's kinda crazy.
Michelle_Williams A fan asked about the EZ-MAC, and that was interesting.
Michelle_Williams I remember getting it and eating it.
Host-Excite Question from LadyTaz2003:Was the transition from background singer for Monica to mainstream in Destiny's Child difficult? If so what was the hardest aspect?
Michelle_Williams I guess it was a hard coming into a group that was established
Michelle_Williams learning all the routines and replacing one of the original members.
Michelle_Williams All the fans have been all so supportive.
Michelle_Williams I want to thank all of them for that.
Michelle_Williams Our choreographer used to dance for Monica. Beyonce and Kelly were looking for a new member.
Michelle_Williams I flew to LA and we saw how we were going to get along together.
Michelle_Williams Had I not been in the group, I could always say they were good Christian women. They took me in and treated me well.
Michelle_Williams We were basically strangers.
Host-Excite Question from cutiejgirl:Michelle your voice is lovely and you are a great addition to Destiny's Child. What do you do when your homesick?
Michelle_Williams I actually got back home today. I get home at least once or twice a month, it depends. I haven't been home since Easter. Every month, I try to get home.
Host-Excite And another question we received this week:
Host-Excite Question from rashonb:Michelle you had big success in a short period of time, how do you deal with all the fame?
Michelle_Williams I'm allowed good people. We're still these young little girls who are doing what we love to do, which is music.
Michelle_Williams We still try to do normal things. we don't realize how big our group is. We still go to the mall and the movies. We don't have all that security and stuff. We know someday that'll have to change.
Host-Excite And from myself, Michelle, I'm wondering what you like to read?
Michelle_Williams When I'm on the plane, I like to read. Fashion magazines to the bible. I'm reading right now "Smart Women, finishing rich".
Michelle_Williams I encourage women, no matter what age you are, to save money.
Michelle_Williams I like to read financial books.
Michelle_Williams All kind of books. All the various teen magazines. Trying to keep up with all the people.
Host-Excite Question from G_WestCoastLady_:HI my names Tasha Underwood what does it take to be a artist in the business these days ??
Host-LEP Use the Something to Say button to send your questions and comments to Michelle!
Michelle_Williams It definitely takes a lot of patience and determination. I know when I grew up, I didn't know that I would make up, so I went to college,
Michelle_Williams so I knew I would have something to fall back on.
Michelle_Williams I took music management. This doesn't come easily. I know Beyonce and Kelly worked on this for years.
Michelle_Williams They got dropped from the first label they were on.
Michelle_Williams You should practice wherever you can.
Michelle_Williams The library, music seminars, wherever you can.
Host-Excite Question from ReDsuGaRx2:About the girl that inspired the song "Story Of Beauty"...did you write her back and notify her that there would be a song about it or was it just a total surprise?
Michelle_Williams It was a total surprise. I'm sure that Beyonce, Kelly, and I will write her back.
Michelle_Williams We'll probably see if she'll write us.
Michelle_Williams But I'm sure there are so many people in that situation who are in the same situation too.
Michelle_Williams We get so many letters from fans about that.
Michelle_Williams We'll see who got inspiration from that song.
Michelle_Williams I'm sure the young lady who wrote the letter, when she hears the song, she'll know that she inspired the song.
Michelle_Williams That she'll live her life and know she inspired something positive.
Host-Excite Question from igiovanni:hi michelle congrats and God bless, I wanted to know if all of you guys are christians and still sing with your church?
Host-LEP Use the Something to Say button to send your questions and comments to Michelle, of Destiny's Child!
Michelle_Williams Oh yeah. When I do go home, I try to go to Church. I try to go to bible study or other things, I try to stay involved.
Michelle_Williams If there are things going on in the community, I try to be involved in that, also.
Host-Excite Lisa from Riverdale:
Host-Excite What kind of message do you give to women and teens?
Michelle_Williams Teenage years are very crucial years in your life. and decisions you make in those years affect your adult years. Make sure all the decisions in your life are positive.
Michelle_Williams No one is perfect, but get up from the mistakes you make in life. Get good grades in school. There'll be time for boyfriends and all that other stuff.
Host-Excite Was it important that you share the same beliefs with the other women in DC?
Michelle_Williams Yes. You know how it some times can be when you get three woman together, it's important to share your beliefs and be mature about things.
Michelle_Williams Everyone has to pull their own weight in the group.
Michelle_Williams As a group, we have to work hard, We're doing that successfully.
Host-Excite Question from n.otorious.:i saw destiny's child perform at SUNY Purchase in New was a great show and it was right before you all really blew u still plan on playing small places?
Michelle_Williams I know that we definitely like the feel of the smaller venues,
Michelle_Williams because it's intimate. We also like performing i bigger arenas too.
Michelle_Williams We try to perform wherever we can.
Michelle_Williams Sometimes in big arenas, they push the fans back. It's kinda weird that you can't touch them.
Host-Excite What's the largest crowd you've played to?
Michelle_Williams We did a party in the park in london. We did that last summer and we're going back this summer.
Host-Excite That was about 100K people, right?
Michelle_Williams We performed at the Houston Astrodome and that sits about 65,000 and that sold out.
Host-Excite Wow.
Michelle_Williams Yup.
Host-Excite Which do you find more personally intimidating?
Michelle_Williams Sometimes the smaller because if you make a mistake, they're more likely to see that.
Michelle_Williams But we try no to let the amount of the crowd affect us.
Michelle_Williams We do out best.
Host-Excite Question from tenniswiz1:What is the greatest obstacle yo have personally had to overcome and what advice would you offer to someone in the position you were in that situation?
Host-Excite Hard question :-)
Michelle_Williams I've had like the normal little girl/teenage problems.
Host-Excite Have the security issues from being famous been an issue?
Michelle_Williams Sometimes it's hard because sometimes we want to go out, there are too many people.
Michelle_Williams Sometimes you're limited by what you can do.
Michelle_Williams It kinda goes from being normal to being untouchable at times. We don't want to be untouchable.
Michelle_Williams But it's hard.
Host-LEP comment from:angel_gurl_87:you are the best
Michelle_Williams I know Janet Jackson was able to go grocery shopping and she was excited.
Michelle_Williams That's the kind of stuff we look forward to.
Host-Excite Wow. Something you really take for granted when you're not yet famous!
Host-LEP comment from:from NeYnEr032:michelle u alwayz make me laugh i luv u so much
Host-Excite Question from hottygirl312:Hello, Out of all of your songs you`ve sang which is your fave?
Michelle_Williams Survivor and Bootylicious are my favorite to perform. And I guess Say My Name and Jumpin Jumpin.
Host-Excite Sunny from Markham: Hey Michelle! A lot of musical groups often go off in their own directions after a certain point. In the future, where do you see yourself as an artist and an independent woman?
Host-Excite Not that DC is going anywhere buy up any time soon ;-)
Michelle_Williams Well, let's see. As far as individually, in a few years, we'll want to do our own project.
Michelle_Williams We'll definitely want to do things with Destiny's Child. But in 10 years, I'd like to run a studio.
Michelle_Williams I want to get married.
Host-LEP Comment from ttoban:Michelle,i think you have a beautiful voice
Michelle_Williams We'd like to keep going.
Michelle_Williams To have as much longevity as possible.
Host-Excite Question from DCThree01:Do you play any sports? What are some of your hidden talents?
Michelle_Williams Thank you, ttoban, and thank you for supporting me. We'll keep providing you with positive music.
Michelle_Williams I used to like Volleyball.
Michelle_Williams No, not really. I like to be a public speaker. I like to talk.
Michelle_Williams That could be a hidden talent.
Michelle_Williams I like to talk.
Host-Excite Question from staceypooh2002:How was it working on the Saturday Night Live cast for an episode?
Michelle_Williams That was so, so much fun. It was cool to make fun of ourselves.
Michelle_Williams And working with James Bond. It was cool working with the skits they had.
Michelle_Williams It was a lot of fun and I hope we can do it again. Do a little more acting and do more skits.
Host-Excite Have you ever done any acting on the side?
Host-Excite Is it something you're interested in doing in the future?
Michelle_Williams Yeah, a little.
Michelle_Williams Yes, we just filmed our next video.
Michelle_Williams Bootylicious.
Michelle_Williams We had Stevie Nicks in our video. We asked her to be in our video and she came.
Host-Excite Anyone famous in your new video?
Host-Excite Cool!
Host-Excite How was she to work with?
Michelle_Williams We were very excited for her to be in it.
Michelle_Williams She was great to work with.
Michelle_Williams We didn't know if she would be interested.
Michelle_Williams She even pushed back some of her projects for us.
Host-Excite Are there any other artists you
Michelle_Williams She is very, very beautiful.
Host-Excite would like to work with in the immediate future?
Michelle_Williams Hopefully, one day, we can collaborate with Michael Jackson and Janet.
Michelle_Williams We like Whitney Houston.
Michelle_Williams NSYNC.
Michelle_Williams We've been trying to do something with them for so long, because they're so cool
Michelle_Williams and they are our friends.
Host-LEP Comment from MSPAYBACK1973:i just wanted to say you guys are great and keep up the good work and my god bless you.YOU GIRLS GOT IT GOING ON
Host-Excite Whitney from Winnipeg: Wassup?? How do you make it around the world for concerts? How do you choose where to do your next concert?
Michelle_Williams We fly some places, and we have tour busses.
Michelle_Williams Once we were in two countries in one day. We had to take a private jet.
Michelle_Williams Our group is in such demand that we try are hardest. If that means performing more than once in a day, we'll do that.
Host-Excite Wow, you guys really rack up your frequent flyer miles!
Michelle_Williams We have a booking agency. If we're in LA, and if we have to be in Phoenix the next day, we'll try to be in that area.
Host-Excite Is that amount of travel really hard on you?
Host-LEP comment from: _musicpiccasso2 I pray that God continues to use you girls in everything you do. God bless!
Michelle_Williams It's definitely a lot of wear and tear on your body. You're on a plane for a few hours
Michelle_Williams then get off, perform a show and get back on a plane.
Michelle_Williams We live on the place, basically.
Host-Excite One of the perils of being in a huge pop group :-)
Host-Excite Question from -QuickSilver662-:Are you, Beyonce, and Kelly good friends outside of the group? Do you three hang out and stuff like that?
Michelle_Williams Actually, before I left to go back home for Mother's Day, we all got together to talk. Beyonce wasn't feeling well, so we talked to her.
Michelle_Williams I bought presents for the other girls' mothers too.
Michelle_Williams I have my friends. Kelly has hers and Beyonce has hers, but we do try to meet up and do things.
Michelle_Williams Like eating sushi.
Host-Excite Do you all eat sushi?
Michelle_Williams I could eat two orders of California rolls.
Michelle_Williams I could eat 2 dozen and not even know it.
Host-Excite You like the more exotic sushi?
Michelle_Williams The other day I had eel and that tasted really good!
Michelle_Williams I love sushi and crablegs.
Host-Excite Renata from New City: As a musician, I can certainly appreciate the hard work and preparation that goes into your singing and dancing routine. How rigorous is your practicing schedule,
Host-Excite and how do you manage to balance your dancing in high heels, singing, and looking good all at the same time?
Michelle_Williams All man. I know when I first got into the group, we danced for 12 hours a day. I never danced in heels before, but I would dance in tennis shoes
Michelle_Williams then put on the heels later.
Host-Excite 12 hours a day???
Michelle_Williams One day we're going to have time to have those 2 months to prepare. When we're sitting on the place we collaborate with our producers about what we're going to do in the shows.
Host-Excite And how do you keep your body and spirit from breaking down?
Michelle_Williams A lot of times we're close to breaking down.
Michelle_Williams We pray a lot.
Michelle_Williams When we're in separate hotel rooms, that's our time to relax.
Michelle_Williams We also give each other space. That's very important.
Michelle_Williams Like when we're on the tour bus, we'll each have our own sections.
Michelle_Williams We try to eat right.
Michelle_Williams They are weeks at a time that we'll say we're not going to eat any beef or any of this or that.
Host-Excite Sushi is great way to eat right!
Michelle_Williams Yeah!:)
Host-Excite Do you find it hard to keep up with the changing music industry? What do you think it is about Destiny's Child that makes you sound so unique and keeps you going strong?
Michelle_Williams Well. I guess the fact that we're so involved with our music.
Michelle_Williams Writing from personal experience and the fact that we started a trend a few years ago with our singing.
Michelle_Williams We grow as our music grows.
Michelle_Williams We've had a few years of growing.
Host-Excite You guys have been setting the trends, not following them.
Host-Excite You don't need to keep up :-)
Host-Excite He wanted me to ask at what age you knew you wanted to sing professionally, and whether other people made fun of of your dream to sing?
Michelle_Williams I was a teenager when I realized I wanted to do it professionally.
Michelle_Williams No one ever made fun of me. Some people didn't believe I had the talent.
Michelle_Williams No one made fun, but still people didn't believe I would do what I do.
Michelle_Williams If I expressed some interest to work with someone, they would blow me off. But I would say ok, and I know this is where I'm supposed to be now.
Michelle_Williams With Destiny's Child.
Host-Excite Question from DC-3CheerCutie:you're so very pretty and keep up the good work. Do you ever wake up and wonder why god sent you to Destiny's child and why he blessed you with the opportunity
Michelle_Williams Because sometimes, you think there are many people out there that are better than you
Host-Excite to touch others lives?
Michelle_Williams and more talented than you.
Michelle_Williams You wonder what you did to deserve this.
Michelle_Williams No one comes from Rockford, Ill.
Michelle_Williams They'll go to Chicago.
Michelle_Williams It kinda just blows me mind.
Host-Excite What's been your best day on the job of being in Destiny's Child?
Michelle_Williams Oh my goodness! They are so many good days.
Host-Excite Your album debuting at number one?
Michelle_Williams Last week the album went #1.
Michelle_Williams Winning grammys.
Michelle_Williams Selling 10 million.
Host-Excite Grammys and BET awards too :-)
Michelle_Williams They've all been good.
Michelle_Williams They've been great accomplishments.
Host-Excite Things people dream about all their lives :-)
Michelle_Williams We want to tell all our Canadian fans that we'll be there soon and thanks for supporting us.
Michelle_Williams We'll be providing great music.
Michelle_Williams We'll always support our Canadian fans!
Host-Excite Thanks so much Michelle for coming in!
Host-Excite We really, really appreciate having you in!
Michelle_Williams It's been great.
Host-LEP Was wonderful having you here Michelle
Michelle_Williams Goodbye all!
Host-LEP Good Night!
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