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Date Posted: 04:14:03 05/30/06 Tue
Author: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet


Read and see the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

This CD-book is about the Macedonian question and the Macedonian nation. The CD-book contains part 1 (430 pages) and part 2 (490 pages).
This is a voluminous collection of material containing protest letters to different international organisations, institutes, governments and so on, answers and reactions from some them, pictures and maps and much more.

Macedonia is a nation that has suffered oppression during decades, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Macedonia is a nation the world has forgotten about.

Western authors, historians, experts, archaeologists teachers, professors and politicians have deprived the Macedonian nation of its history, traditions, culture, identity, literature, symbols and land, and falsified our Macedonian antiquity.

In schools, children are deceived and indoctrinated with "Greek" history, mythology, Gods and literature instead of being taught the truth.

Before 1860, "Greece" did not exist. Neither did any "Greek" nationality. Before 1913, no Serbian "Albanian" or "Bulgarian" nationality or country existed. Before the Second World War, no Montenegrin, Croatian, Bosnian or Slovenian nationality or country existed. All of this is old Macedonian territory. As evidence, there are ancient historian maps presented in book 1.

The media of the western world has never revealed the truth about Macedonia, only presented fabricated, anti-Macedonian propaganda.

During the 20th century we have heard and seen the Western world's propaganda, discrimination and violations against Macedonia and the Macedonian nation. Now it is time for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world about the truth. We want to show the world our struggle for justice and reveal to the world the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

I want to warn the readers about the shocking pictures in the book, of young Macedonians, some tortured, others massacred in the spring of 2001 by "Albanian" Nazi fascist extremists and terrorists and with the help of corrupt Macedonian traitors, who call themselves politicians and the Western World's organizations the NATO, the UN and the EU.

This is an echo of the Second World War when Hitler's nazis and Mussolini's fascists occupied Macedonia and gave the "Albanian" terrorists and fascists permission to massacre, murder and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Macedonians. Now the NATO, the UN and the EU are the barbarian, performing the same task as Hitler and Mussolini did. We Macedonians will never forget nor forgive this.

The price of the CD-book is 36 Euro including shipping. Would you like to be a distributor? The price is then 26 Euro per CD-book including shipping, if you order 20 CD-books or more.

To order the CD-book send an e-mail to: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet TREPET_1@hotmail.com

I can promise you an interesting and exciting reading.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

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