Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 12:58:17 09/20/17 Wed
Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about. If the lonks are not active, please copy them and use them in the address fields of your browser.
Americans- please tell in my unbiased poll who you would vote for if rhe presidential election was today
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:
Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:
Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Girls, 14yo, France, Thorrough examination to check pubertal status
I am female. It happened in Western Europe, a smaller city in France, 1980-1989, 14 years old. The school told us it was a special examination day and we should report to room 30. The school sent a general flyer home with us for our parents to read a week beforehand. It said they should send us to school that day without underwear or shoes, and in light, comfortable clothes, and freshly bathed.
The exam happened at a room in the school that was preliminary prepared for the event, It happened to all children in my school of the age group. They did our entire grade but split us up into groups because only so many could fit in the room at once.
I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I did not get any anesthesia I remember except I got something to swallow that might have been anesthetic. They handed out little paper cups of medicine but there was only a few drops in each.
They brought us to this special multi-purpose room it was possible to use for stage performances, but the seats were taken away,and we all just stood in a group. The group of doctors told us to remove all of our clothing and the teachers came around and took it all away. Nobody had any problem with it. we just obeyed. A few nurses went around and inspected our bodies quickly, jotting down some notes.
They examined my stomach area with and ultrasound device or something similar They examined my hip area with an ultrasound device or something similar. They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device.
They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They inspected my vagina with a scope. They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger
They checked us all together in this room but I noticed only the boys were being checked in the butt. It felt unusually good and warm being touched by them. They mostly crouched to inspect us, and used small flashlights. There was a lot of feeling and pulling on pubic hair. Some pubic hair samples were pulled out gently and put in bags. Two doctors spent a lot of time pulling on my clitoral hood to expose the glans.
They seemed to finish examining us, and asked us to stand or sit on the floor, whatever was comfortable, and masturbate. They encouraged us all to look at each other, and to vocalize what we were thinking about. Most of the girls were too shy but the boys went ahead right away
Some nurses came around to the girls who didn't masturbate and held our hands bringing them to our genitals. One whispered in my ear to go ahead, it's part of the examination. Eventually we all did. After a half hour of masturbating we were mostly all finished.
They handed out some paper towels to clean up ourselves and our area. One boy hit me with his semen but he looked very embarrassed so I didn't get upset Afterwards.
They told us to go back to our homeroom class. I asked for my clothes. They said you have already been seen. I said not everyone from my class is here, but they just sent me out and said you'll be seeing everyone else from your class, so it's fair. After the second group it didn't seem strange anymore.
A few naked boys and girls coming into the room,almost all of them a little wet in the genitals, and we compared notes, finding out we all went through the same thing.
Once everyone in the class had been through the exam they gave us back our clothes and said we could go home.
I went to a Montessori school. I thought it was a relatively normal school but I found out later it was what you would call a special school like a Montessori school. The main difference is we could come or not come as we pleased, if we didn't feel like attending for a while.
This was an exam to check the pubertal status, and the sexual functions of the kids. To get an exact picture of the pelvic development status and the health of the initimate zones, one must inspect the urethra and bladder of both sexes and the vagina in girls. Boys must be checked through the anus to assess the prostate.
Montessori schools have pioneered these thorrough development checks, but they are established steadily more in other schools and communies around the World, but it is nearly never talked about fpr the public. In these exams as they are performed today, both boys and girls get an inspection through teh anus too, and many other endoscopic examinations have been added.
But asking the kids to do sexual handlings is perhaps not done widely any more. Instead one uses electrical or mechanical stimulation with equipment and record reactions with electrodes.
By Knut Holt
Girl, 12yo, New Sealand, total body exam to check developmrnt status
I am female. It happened in New Zealand in 2010-2014 when I was 12 years old My dad just said it was time to go to the doctor for a checkup. My parents drove me to the exam at a doctors office.
Once we got there my dad said it's because he hasn't seen me naked in years and he needs to make sure everything is okay. He went in the exam room with me and told me I had to undress completely (this was before the doctor came in just the nurse doing blood pressure etc). He pulled my arms down when I tried to cover myself and said it's important to be naked for an exam.
They washed my body before the exam. I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair but with devices to lift my legs onto. I did not get any anesthesia. I had to get up and stand in a variety of positions but most of the exam was in this chair.
The doctor checked all of my joints and their range of movement He ran his fingers over all of my skin and checked carefully for moles. He ran his fingers over my lips around my nipples checked between my toes
They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. I had to do some physical work like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed.
The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger. He spread my vagina open and looked deep inside.
The entire time my dad made comments about how my body looked and how I was changing. Some other type of arrangements. I sat naked for a long time. My dad took my clothes with him and left the room. The doctor told me it was natural if I wanted to touch myself to relieve some tension and he would leave me alone for a little while. They were both out of the room for some time.
My dad eventually told me I could put my shirt back on but only that and we went home in the car. He said from now on he wants to see my body regularly to keep an eye on it. I attended ordinary daytime school. Just normal school.
Some societies seurveil children extensively during the prepuberty and puberty period. This seems to be one of these societies. Some of these societies engage the parents to do some of this bodily surveillance. This exam was probably not the idea of her father, but something the society had arrange and used the father as a healper.
The main purpose of this exam was for a gneral helth checkup and especially to check the development of the girl.
She tells she did not get any anesthesia, but I wonder if she actually got it so that she was unconscious during a part of the exam and the exam was more extensive than she remembers. One typically give children anesthesia that takes away memory and that may be the case her.
What probably happened was an inspection of her bladder, vagina and rectum and lower colon with endoscopes. Also they possibly used the time to instruct her father how to check her.
It is possible they observed her trhough an one-way mirror, or even videotaped her, when she was in the room alone to masturbate. Id so, a question will be if the doctor and her father did it for own sexual gratification, or if it was a part of the surveillance procedure this society peforms, or for some medical project. It is impossible to know, since this kind of things happen aound the world for all of these reasons.
By Knut Holt
The washing procedure is an indication that a more extensive exam was done. A total body wash at the medical facility is normally done only before more extensive exams.
Girl, 11 yo, Italy, intimate examination ordered by the Child protective agencies
I am a female. I was a school-aged child, 11yo, in Italy in 2014. My exact age when this occured.
I was examined in a health centre in a regular doctor's office Parents went with me we by public transportation. A doctor did the exam with two nurses present.
They examined my head teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined the organs inside my chest. They examined my organs inside my stomach. They examined my genitals. They examined my rectal zone. They did a general examination of my pelvic zones.
They inserted instruments into my vagina. that spreader thing I forget what it's called They performed a psychological exam. They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life.
They also checked my sexual function. The doctor took a long time rubbing my genitals and asked how it felt to see if there was a reaction.
I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: lying on my back the head end slightly lower than the feet end.
First they whisked off my clothes (my parents told me to just wear a loose shirt and skirt with no underwear) Secondly did lots of measurements and weighing, then laid me down on the table Thereafter did all the typical exams of all the parts but very thoroughly.
Then looked inside my vagina and rubbed my vagina for a long time They also asked how it felt if I was reacting. They also touched my nipples The took a wet cloth of some kind and wiped it all over my genitals for several minutes.They also took photos for my medical record.
At some pont had me pee in a beaker.
What do you think was the reason for this exam? I think something about my sexual function? What is your opinion about thios experience? It made me kind of tingle but I was too young to feel much yet. I was a little embarrassed exposed
They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They examined my vagina with a speculum. They also rubbed me for a long time
They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone.
The nurses also touched me a lot down there in addition to the doctor.
They spent some time asking me questions about whether I had experimented with boys or other girls. They asked if I was still going to the beach naked or if I had started wearing bottoms yet
Someone came and performed a psychological test even though I was called in for quite another thing.
Someone strange person came and performed an intimate exam even though I was called in for quite another reason. Someone strange person came and performed a social interrogation even though I was called in for quite another reason.
I don't know if the photos were kind of strange maybe The exam took a very long time. at least it felt like a while.
The exam did not result in any diagnosis. or at least nobody told me. the doctor did talk to my parents while I waited nude outside the room.
This exam was ordered by the child protective agencies to check out if the girl was being abused sexually, had sexual habits or was involved in something that the society has defined as abuse.
By such an exam one looks over the whole body in naked condition to see if there are marks of injuries of any kind, and to observe reactions. If the girl is very shy or uncomfortable, or the opposite lets her be exposed without shyness, both are taken as signs of abuse.
One looks especially thorroughly in the mouth and at the teeth to se the dental status and oral hygiene. Bad dental status or oral hygiene is seen as signs of abuse.
One looks into the vagina to see signs of sexual activity and one takes specimens from the vagina and genitals to search for microbes or rest of semen. Certain microbes found will be taken as sign of abuse, and also a boken hymen. The wet cloth was used to sample specimens to be analyzed.
One touches the intimate parts, including the vulva, anal region and the breats to test the reactions. Certain reactions, for example that the anus relaxes reflectorily is taken as sign of sexual abuse.
One takes pictures of the child in naked conditions, including pictures of the intimate region with the child laying with legs spread to be analyzed by other experts than the doctor an the nurses.
Forthermore one interrogates to see how much the child knows about sexual matters or will tell something directly. If the child knows more about sex than learned in schools it is taken as a sign of abuse.
It is possible that the school observed something unusual in the behavior of the girl and reported it to the child protective agencies. Possibly the parents reported something that led to the exam.
In some countries the child protective system has got huge sums of money so that they can take as many children a possible from the parents. These ordeals have got inustrial proportions in the last years, and certain private cervices also have a huge proffit from the ordeals.
Accordingly the Child protective system has establsished very strict norms for what is normal and vert wide criteria for what is abuse in order to be able to take all the children they are supposed to take, and any authority dealing ith the kids are ordered to report any unusual behavior or interest to the child protective agencies.
In this case the parents were probably not told the purpose of the exam, but given a dummy explananation.
Knut Holt
Boy. 8yo, Eastern Europe - kidnapped from school for intimate tests
I am male. It happened at schoolage, 8 years old, in Eastern Europe including the whole of Russia, in the years 1980-1989. They performed an exam or procedure but was not given information about what they did.
I was given sedative medicines through my mouth
We had some sexual experiments during afternoon school.
We were kidnapped from school with one of my schoolmate. I was given to sleep in ambulance car.
Then I waken up in hospital fully naked without any body hair with several Hosen (tubes) from my body (mouth nose anus penis). My schoolmate was my in the same state on neighboring bed.
WHen I woke up I had IV tubes, tube through my nose and mouth, catheter, a tube into my anus and electodes on me. They checked something but don't know what exactly.
I had pain irritition or other problems in my mouth, in my nose, in my anus or rectum. in my colon or lower stomach. It took a long time before I woke up.
It looks like the boy and the classmate were used as guine pigs in a medical project, and that it begun with test of sexual reactions in the school, then they were taken to the hospital in an ambulance for exams through all body openings.
Teenage boy, North America, development and intimate exam by school nurse
I am a male. I was a teenager. Year 1960 - 1969. In North America. I was examined at school, school dispensary. I was already at school and only the nurse an me were present. Was told it was a routine physical examination
I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: I was standing, lying on table and bent over. Only the nurse and I were there, no doctor or other teacher. Before we were in groups.
I was told to strip to my underpants. Then a thorough exam of my head eyes ears and throat. Thereafter examined my upper body arms chest spine. Then examined my legs and feet while lying down.
I was subsequently bent across the table and was rectally probed and manipulated. The exam ended this way: My penis scrotum and testicles were examined. The rectal and genital exam seemed to be overly extensive.
They palpated my outar male genitals and testicles. They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They palpated my prostate with a finger into my rectum. They let me masturbate to collect a semen specimen.
They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone. They examined my rectum with an inserted finger. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally.
I was called in for quite another thing but they also examined my genital urinary and rectal zone. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.
What do you think was the reason for this exam? School physical What is your opinion about thios experience? A little over the top I thought the semen specimen by masterbation while she watched was strange.
This was a further check of the development and puberty status after the ordinary school physical in group previously. This is frequntly done, when there is doubt of something or unusual things are observed. The things done by the exam are actually what are needed to get an accurate picture of the puberty status, but the way it was arranged seems somewhat odd, so one may wonder if the nurse did it unneededly for her own sexual gratification.
By Knut Holt
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