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Date Posted: 12:45:12 06/06/17 Tue
Author: Knuit Holt

Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt


Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex





Girl, Asia, scool age and teenage, body tests and pelvic exams combined with psychological therapies

I am a female. It happened when I was a school-aged child and also as a teenager in the year 1980 - 1989, in Asia.

I was examined in a special psychological health center, somewhat like a spa actually. Parents drove me. A therapist did the exam. No other was present at firsm but then parents some visits, several nurses and medical students in others.

They examined my head, teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my genitals.

They inserted instruments into my mouth. They inserted instruments into my vagina, speculum but also fingers. They performed a psychological exam. They took x-rays of the examined areas. They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.


I was totally naked. They insisted upon total nudity at all times.


First they said they were going to teach me to be comfortable with my body. Then had me take all my clothes off, talked about each body part in detail as it was exposed. After that talked to me and showed me puberty charts, comparing my body parts with other girls and women. Then had long talks about how I felt and how I should feel, any issues I feel etc.

Thereafter various kinds of touching, mostly external to explain that my skin is normal and healthy. The exam always ended with a photograph taken which I got a copy of to keep. I was asked to talk about all of my bodily functions in detail and demonstrate them.


What do you think was the reason for this exam? My parents and other adults were concerned that I had a problem with being naked in front of others. What is your opinion about thios experience? At the time I didn't understand but now I do, and wish it continued today with modern young people.


The therapist watched me pee anytime I had to go, following me into the bathroom.

They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They examined my vagina with a speculum. They took speciments (pap smears etc) from my vagina with an instrument.
They performed an outer ultrasound exam of my female genitals and lower tummy area. They perfomed an ultrasound exam through my vagina.

They also checked under my clit prepuce, pulled on lips, rubbed a lot.


They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone.


Someone strange person came and performed an intimate exam even though I was called in for quite another reason. Someone strange person came and performed a social interrogation even though I was called in for quite another reason. The exam took a very long time. They were long and frequent and went on for a few years
Psychological or social counceling as follow up: I had many more of these until I was comfortable enough to masturbate to climax in front of them.


It is possible that the reluctance of the girl for showing herself made the parents suspect the girl has some disease she tried to hide or that she was used sexually by somebody and tied to hide it. The body manipulations was of a kind that could give reactions suitable to reveal such social issues.


Girl, Bolivia, 13yo, cystoscopy in a health center followed by her mother

My doughter had cystoscopy. I brought my daughter in for an exam when she complained of some pain downstairs. The exam took place in South or mid America, Bolivia, when she was 13 years old, Year 2007. She had cystoscopy in a health centre.


We got no explanation in the first place . The exam was a total surprize. The doctor didn't talk much. I brought my daughter to the health center. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed.

Then taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

I undressed my daughter completely. In my country exams are always done in the naked. I signed a form saying the medical staff could do as they liked.


She got pain-killing gas through a mask that made calm and sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on her back with straight legs, then lay on back with legs in stirrups. The doctor put my naked daughter in a lot of positions, including "Frog leg" position, during the examination. She just got a little gas to calm down, but was awake.


They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area. They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and genital area. They were very quick probes, the doctor said everything was fine.

While we were there, he gave her a full head to toe physical examination, saying it was good to have these done as often as possible, and that I should do them for her at home as well.


Diagnosis - urinary infection. He said she had a mild UTI and some cranberry juice would clear it up. If it didn't, I should come back for another exam and get antibiotics. The reason was urinary infection.


It was useful. I would bring my daughter to this doctor several more times, he was good and thorough.


The procedure was done as it should be done, with just that anesthesia needed to make the girl comfortable, but not the exaggerated anesthesia often use in North America and Western Europe, which adds discomfort before and after the exam and adds risks.

A consent where the parents allow the doctor to do anything, is however not a good thing. A concent form should explain exactly what procedures they intended and only ask concent for that.

Edited by Knut Holt



Girl, 11yo-16yo, used as a treining object for pelvic exams for medical students

I am female. It happened As preteen age 10-12 and early teen 13-16. The procedure happened in Asia, except Russia in the years 1980-1989.

I had an exam or procedure through my vagina. It was an exam for the training of medical students. I was asked if I would help them out, and I agreed. It was mostly an exam of my genitals and a bit of my breasts and legs.

The shool was involved but the procedure occured mostly at a health center. It was a teaching hospital, I was 11 the first time but I went back several times. It was just so I could help medical students practice examining. I was taken there by my parents.


Strange persons appeared around me before and after the procedure than those I expected to perform the procedure. The school health service was more than usually interested in me around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams that did not seem to be related to the procedure.


Actually I was nude throughout. They gave me gas through a mask. I was mostly given some oxygen, though it tasted a tad odd. kind of minty. I got electrodes on my chest to measure my heartbeat, one on my neck, and one on my inner thigh. I was awake for all of it, just nice and sleepy and calm.


They kept saying they would do one more kind of exam, then another, and another. They were pretty thorough in their examinations, and because there were so many students, most things got repeated so each group could get a good look. Everyone examined me a lot, they checked over my limbs, looked into my vagina, pulled up my clitoral hood,


I think that examination procedures should be a lot more transparent. There's a very silly modern idea of ""privacy"" that only means if there was a bad doctor they would have an easier time getting away with abuse. Better that everything is in full view of a lot of witnesses, there's nothing to be embarrassed about if you're getting your body treated or examined.


No catheter, but I did pee in a cup. No arrangement in my anus but they did take my temperature rectally, also vaginally and orally and in my armpit. I did have electrodes on my chest to measure my heartbeat, one on my neck, and one on my inner thigh.


The teaching hospital surely cooperated with the school health service to find children they could use for teaching purposes, and the parents were probably connected, possibly to ask for permision, and surely to get them bring the girl to the hospital at the right times. Possibly the parents got some money.

The ansethesia was surely N2O-gas, often used to calm down patients before procedures.

Edited by Knut Holt


Teenage boy, Western Eyrope, complete health and development check, included internal pelvic exam

I am a male. I was a teenager. Year 2000 or after. In western Europe. I was examined at school. I was examined in a health centre.

Please tell more about the place where you was examined. Health centre at school by school nurse. How were you taken to the exam?Walked. Who did the exam? Two nurses. Who was also present during the exam? nurses and other students.


They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life.


I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: Lying on my side and on my back I got a mild oral sedative to relax me but not to make me sleep. They inserted tubes into som blood vessels. I got electrodes on my body to record meurological and other functions.


They examined ears, nose, mouth, throat, breathing, heart, blood pressure.

Then they checked abdomen including x-rays and ultrasound and poking.

Then Checkrd genitals completely. all parts. including ultrasound from front and from between legs.

And then checked inside rectum, I think to check prostate and sexual organs.

They also took blood, urine, semen, nasal swab, throat swab.

They did an orthopedic exam.The exam ended with a complete muscular exam and response times to needles etc.


They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They used a catheter to collect urine. They inserted a scope to look into my bladder.


They palpated my outer male genitals and testicles. They peformed a ultrasound exam on my genitals, including my testicles. They collected a semen specimen by means of prostate massage through my rectum. They examined my prostate with an ultrasound sond into my anus. They palpated my prostate with a finger into my rectum.

They let me masturbate to collect a semen specimen. They inspected firmness of erection and movement of testicles during arousal and orgasm.


They spread my cheeks and examined externally my rectal zone. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They took some measurements inside my rectum or bowel with a long tube-like instrument. They looked in through my rectum with a rigid optical scope. They examined my rectum with an ultrasound sond.

They performed internal ultrasound of prostate and other organs


I had strange irritation in my urethra and bladder zone. I knew it was examined, but left a weird feeling like some more was done than that i knew. The exam took a very long time. I think about 2.5 hours


What do you think was the reason for this exam? Did not know. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.


This was a general health check combined with a complete check of pubertal development status. It seems like it was mandatory for all students at the school during the puberty. The exam seemed to be performed by nurses with training in the exam protocol, but the collected data were surely gone through by doctors afterwards.

They seemed to have measured the inner sizes of his rectum and lower colon and probably measured muscular responses in the rectum and lower colon. In the material I have, this is very often reported, and most often on boys. It looks like authorities in some societies are very concerned about the rectal state of boys for various reasons.

It looks like they performed an electrocardiogram with electrodes on various places on the body. Furthermore is seems like they performed a neurological and muscle response exam with ordinary and needle electrodes.

This last exam is not common by development checks. The thorrough sexual reaction test is not so common either, but it occurs sometimes. Probably the exam included these elements for some research project.

Generally this looks like a shorted version of an international exam protocol that many societies around the world do on kids at specific ages, but with an extended muscular test as an added ingredient.

The exam took probably longer time than 2.5 hours, but the anesthesia made it difficuolt to record the time exactly.

Edited by Knut Holt



Girl, 9yo, Eatern Europe, pelvic exam and fondling and neurological tests by tutor

I am a mother, and this handles about my doughter that they examined at the age 9, year 2000 or after, in Eastern Europe. It happened at the house of a private tutor, in a room in the basement.

The tutor examined her with nobody other present.


He examined the organs inside her stomach, her genitals, her rectal zone, and generally her pelvic area. He inserted instruments inside her vagina and into her rectal opening. He also performed a neurological exam with elctrodes on her body.


He injected her with a relaxing drug which also was pain-killing. She got sedated but awake.She was totally naked and was placed laying on her back on the table.


He asked my daughter to undress. Lay her on the table on her back. Gave her a relaxing drug. Tied her legs and arms down. Began fundeling her nippels, vagina and clitoris, until she had an orgasm.

She felt realy cheap, embarrest and ashamed, about having an orgasm in fron of him. What do you think was the reason for this exam? He just felt for it. What is your opinion about this experience? Good for him.

He palpated her outer female genitals. Hespread her genital lips to look inside. heexamined her vagina with a speculum. He also tested her clitorial reactions.


They spread her cheeks and examined extarnally her rectal zone.


She was called in for quite another thing, but he also examined her genital and urinary zone. She was tied down, and it took him almost 2 hours. The exam took a very long time. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.


What this tutor did was sexual abuse and he highly probably had sexual gratification for the handlings. Still it possible that he did not do it only out of his own idea. Maybe he cooperated with some authorities in the community in order to check something and reported what he found back to these authorities.

These authorities might have been child protective agencies that tend to give children anesthesia more or less clandestinely and subject them to pelvic examinations, or let some kind of professional do it for them.

Possibly the ansethesia was meant to hinder the girl remember, and that more persons were in the room when it happened, but that she still remembered that reported here.

In the report it is told that he used electrodes at her body to test neurological reactions. This makes this assumption more probable.

It is also possible that the neurological examination was a part of the tutors service, but that he in addition took the opportunity to use the girl for own sexual gratifictation. The exact answar depend upon what kind of tutor this was.

Knut Holt

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