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Date Posted: 00:23:22 06/26/01 Tue
Author: sadashivan
Subject: poverty A SUBJECT

Nearly 60% poor live in our human world. This growth of poverty level is largely due to misunderstanding poverty. Measures controlling poverty should be linked to the suitability of the country, as reasons of poverty changes due to social conditions of the country. For example, countries like India and other who has thick population and dominated by illiterates and semi- littermates (semi-literate means with less literacy level which deprives them from employment in high tech or medium industries). This category does not fit into high tech industries. For them agricultural, small and cottage industries are most suitable.


“Poverty” A SUBJECT that is enjoyed by poets/ writers and politicians. Is curse for who experience, and boon as a subject for politicians to promise for vote! And subject of

Appreciation by public to writers and poets! Many books have been written and many promises made, nevertheless, poverty level has dominated the world. Governments and International Organizations who study and spend exorbitant amount in their research on htmlpoverty and things end up in racks with full of files and books on poverty.


I perceive poverty in two categories:

(1) Poorest of poor who starve even for one time food, give thanks to God if succeed getting. Nearly 30% of the world population comes from this category. Unbelievable, countries those over produce and contemplate to dump into sea due to lack of storage facility when their one fourth of population starve of food grain. This is shocking but true. This stage is accounted due to lack of buying power.

(2) Who lack basic needs like hygienic food, electricity, drinking water, proper shelters, education, social security & medical facility, suitable employment and etc.,

Many problems in social structure when accumulated, poverty is borne. That may be unemployment, over population, education, government performance, and relation with neighboring country, which I understand with little knowledge, what I have:

EMPLOYMENT: Unemployment level is nearly 40-45% in poor countries among which rural village illiterates/ semi-literate contributes major percentage. Employment is major source to eradicate or minimize poverty as this gives buying power to population and increases their per capita income results to help increasing direct and indirect taxes to Government for development program. To any development programs finance is required, that finance should come from taxes and savings, if opted to loan from International Monetary Fund or World Bank will only aggravate problems and will push further to poverty. Many poor and developing nations are in debt due to the money lending programs by international financial institutions.

Emphasis to be given to natural and traditional sources such as tourism, agricultural and related cottage industries, arts and crafts for generating employment, this can consume high unemployment among illiterates and semi-literate. Populations live in rural villages with their traditional art value still they are poor and hand to mouth. Unable to use they’re traditional skill due to non-exploring and insufficient measures by local governments for its marketing. . Most affected area of poverty is rural population as agriculture is their main source of income. Mainly depend on the small land and god for rain. Work for 4-5 months and balance of the year they remain unemployed looking up for rain. This blank period need to be utilized by engaging them to their traditional arts and crafts or agricultural products.


Following I suggest as steps to improve cottage and small sector products make more attractive:

1. Attract designers and private sectors to bring best knowledge and invest to improve demand in local market as well as overseas.

2. Promotions and marketing to be strengthened by Facility of fair / exhibitions/ advertisements in professional way.

3. Fixing minimum norms of quality standard. And gradation of products according to its quality, a- grade products for exports and high local market, grade- b also export and medium range markets, c- grade in local market and d- grade in off sales and cheap market. So that, products can be allocated according to the buying capacity of consumers.

4. Minimum 15-20 % fixed as quota each stores/ shop with better profits to keep for sales, this will sure be healthy to promote sales. Thus, each store is attracted to put such products in its stores.

5. Arranging best quality of raw materials should be the priority and make available at best possible price to make the products competitive.

6. To avoid shortage if possible also imports the raw material. Mediators should be avoided to cut down cost.

7. In participation with international standard institutes to open up advanced institutions for improving products/ designs of international standard, will be boost to the exports and local marketing.

8. Tax rebate to the promoters/ manufactures will be incentive to its promotions.

9. World Trade Organization and its free trade missionary should understand the importance to boost this sector. Free market and trade will further aggravate poverty level in countries, which have dense population with high level of illiteracy. It I see as unfair and one-way and results unequal free trade. Small scale industries are washed away by intrusion of multinational products or to meet competition with them opt to unfair practices or hiring child labor, or reducing work force, cheating workers on overtime pay, imposing merciless and unsafe working conditions to bring down their costs nevertheless is far away and are lost to imported goods. Free import or exports is beneficial to only countries, which have good stand on exports to make good balance of payment and receipt. Lot of poverty we see around the world is related to the way of global markets and trading practices. For promoting products WTO need to reconsider its strategy of free market, present system will only help developed countries to dump over production to poor countries and results collapse of economy. It need to come forward to help generate employment:

· Special tax may be introduced and levied from all resources involved in exports. Levy of the tax should be on basis of consumption of workers for producing items, lesser the workers higher the tax.

· The cottage and agricultural industries (non auto plant) should be spared from the tax. This also helps to curtail high international competition due to auto machine products.

· To encourage Agricultural and cottage industries WTO should work out the measures by fixing at least minimum quota of these items that to be imported. Which should be binding to all importing countries. This way it promotes these sectors and saves its employees

· Levied tax should be allocated and contributed to Appropriate Governments to generate employment, uplift standard of living and social security to workers of unorganized sector.

It is generally misunderstood that by inviting investments on heavy and high tech industries will solve the employment problem. This is beneficial to only few thousands rich international rich companies, enjoy their investment and returns which further benefits to rich countries and few urban literate population who get employment or change for betterment whereas nearly 70% of population of poor countries live in villages are illiterate or semi-literates having major percentage of unemployment. This rich category invests in poor countries to get products made at cheaper labour cost and sell at high price.

Rather this section requires more attention for generation of employment as due to dominant category in population of the country are directly related to poverty and programs. For example, industrial development should be framed in such a pattern that rural illiterates grow fruits (labour intensive) and modern machines (capital intensive) governed by literate class process fruits and sell in the market. This way both categories are benefited. This process should follow until the literacy level is achieved.

LABOUR MARKET: Developed and rich countries should open international labour market free for unskilled and semi skilled workforce from poor countries. Study reveals that more and more industrialization and literacy people opt to go for white and blue color jobs, mainly in rich and developed countries there is still enormous demand of such workers like carpenters, laborers, painters, plumbers, mechanics, helpers, cleaners and other low skilled workers. Local population of rich and developed countries pay hefty amount to get overflowing tap repaired of a kitchen even then you call and take time. This reveals the gap between demand and supply, can be pruned by employing from poor nations will also definitely consume some percentage of unskilled and semi-skilled workers lying unemployed in poor countries. Salary received by them is highly useful to balancing trade deficit and will have chances to launch capital-intensive projects or social security.

POPULATION: Second biggest curse to poor countries is uncontrolled growth of population resulting poverty. “One loaf of bread and six people to eat”. Over 70% of 6.2 billion-world populations, live in poor countries alone. Unprecedented growth of human population, and in particular the steep increase of human numbers in the world’s poor countries results to malnourished and dying children, slum growth, disease, illiteracy, and social and political crisis, develops scarcity of all basic requirements. Concern of overpopulation and its impact on environment by deforestation and desertification, pollution in air and water a threat to world ecology. Shortage adds up crisis of mass infiltration and deportation resulting civil unrest and neighbor disputes. Literate societies in poor countries mostly opt for one or two children but illiterates and semi-literates have religious feelings that children are god gift and obstacles not acceptable to them.

Family planning program failure has become joke to youth for naughty joke entertainment. Has failed to serve its purpose due to inefficient implementation or communication in poor countries. Condoms have become balloons for children to play. Still rural people feel shy when talked about sex and population control this prevents them to adopt methods. Especially rural women, illiteracy is so intense in them that they don’t even like to see doctors explaining them about family planning. For some women who are educated and want to adopt family planning they have other problem from boss (husband) and boss’s boss (mother in law) for using contraceptives. Sex education should be developed in a pattern that family planning becomes boon for them instead of sin. Fear among rural women of side effects of using contraceptives partly fails purpose Illiterates of rural villages want their house full of flowers (children) Poor families have feeling that more the children they have better the income they get, this social evil results by inefficient education system. Governments should boldly make decisions to control excessive growth of population even if they have to take harsh decisions. This can be achieved by announcing incentives and disincentives:

· Education of fewer children to citizens is soft method of controlling but is useful to only literate class who are already adapted to fewer children. Semi-literates with partial success. Illiterates and have their reasons - religion is one of the big factors that illiterates misunderstand. Religious leaders are very helpful; taking religious leaders into confidence would definitely give partial success. Second reason what illiterates perceive is that more the children more the income this perception is definitely wrong and dangerous. For this some harsh steps to be taken.

· Announcing incentives and disincentive to have limited children will be high success to control excessive growth of population.

A- Entitlement of subsidized food articles and services small families. It looks difficult in democratic countries, subsidy to be allocated by grading small family and big family would help.

B- Entitlement and non-entitlement to government positions and promotions. Most neglected area in poor countries as even today the ministers and high officials have excessive children this should be discouraged at all if Governments are sincere to encourage family planning.

C- Entitlement of special preference for small family of poor category to upgrade standard of living by way of loan and education of small scale industry to set up.

Accountability of Central and state heads: Each central/ state/ district and local area head should be made responsible and accountable in his or her legislative area. This would be a grate step. Conscious of responsibility would definitely control population. Also these heads would be helpful to upgrade their areas.
EDUCATION: Nearly 50% of population of poor countries is uneducated. Awareness’ of education is still lacking in some rural areas where poverty level is high. Many families don’t afford to send their children to schools rather they prefer sending children to work for want of money or to clear debt obligations. For them even if school education is made free will not solve purpose due to poverty. Also social evil like bonded labour and debt payment forces them to think only work. These areas should be given special attention and facilities of study and earn. Children of poor should be avoided to go to work.


· Governments taking help of international organizations and NGO’s is purposeful to identify areas where the bonded and slavery exists most. Work on to penalize who forces poor to work on these terms. Insurance and finance sectors should be encouraged to promote their schemes in rural villages.

· In areas where less interest is shown poor parents are unable to send children for education due to survival problem Government and NOG’S to introduce study and earn. Items may be identified from those areas, which are suitable to young child. It would be rather educational apprenticeship in playing way with basic education. It is not crime but support to a needy child and better understanding of crisis of child labour.

· Or to identify the poor parents, who don’t send their children to work due to financial crisis, support by donation to educate their children. It is little tricky as some parents may take money and don’t send child to school. In such cases donations to be based on school attendance. Come to school and earn

· Some of interior rural villages have primary education schools far- far away and are hard to reach. Urban high schools and college students can be of grate help. Not only the rural children are educated but it also provides opportunity to urban students for social involvement with rural population. To my opinion it should be made mandatory as higher education becomes purposeful which updates the plights and brings ideas of solutions. This would be a right step to involve them in socio economic.

· Constructive education system is still lacking in many countries especially poor and developing countries. Our high schools, collage and higher education students at present are indulged mainly in theories and books written many years back. Without social involvement in the field selected, study is purposeless. Social involvement is research and highlight of problem is solution. As the time changes the needs also change, study should be in accordance. Many areas are still untouched considering as less important or unknown. I give a small example of sports, is treated as wastage of time in poor countries on the other hand this area is now one of the most paying. Similarly many areas are unknown if opened will definitely open fields of employment. Systemized education according to modern and future needs will definitely give birth to scientists, explorers and inventors to poor countries. As students are directly in touch with the practical world along with their theories they will be able to learn better of problems and find ways to solutions. Students should be encouraged to make study reports that need to be discussed, examined. Government’s success is when identified the problem and that opens way to solve.

· Roll of a school is to develop raw child to perfect. But present system implication in poor and developing countries is that perfect (high marks) child is given opportunity to get enrolled to good schools or collages and if the child is less than the expectations is asked to seek T.C (I call removal certificate). Purpose of schools is irrelevant if child’s taste is not developed or child is not made to fit the world. It is schools, which are responsible for child’s growth. As a result of education societies inefficient policies students are duped. After ranking highest in schools and collages, child’s expectation to have better opportunities in real life is failed, as what studied is different from new apparent life. This is where children feel deprived and one of the causes of unemployment among literates.

Education and need of education be better studied as is the instrument of the countries growth.

RELATION AMOUNG NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES: Most poor countries have problems with their neighbors and are the largest buyers of weapons. Bad relation increases unnecessary buying of weapons. Nearly 20-30% of total budget is allocated to military, weapons and Maintenance of borders. Again dependability on developed countries that sell products with monopoly at high price tags as are patented and gives no right to produce. Buying weapons mounts further tensions and to maintain parallel strength more budgets allocated to military by pruning social expenses. Weapon seller countries should be taxed highly by international bodies to discourage their sales tactics; taxed amount may come as boon to social reform internationally.

Many items produced in neighboring countries that can easily be accessed at better and cheaper price but due to bad relation this becomes impossible. Good relation among neighbors will solve many problems even if any dispute exists that is easily solved.

1. Exchange of dialogues periodically rather quite often between neighbors will communicate opinions, problems and way to solution is definitely helping hand to improve relations. Emphasis given on bipartite and not tripartite.

2. Offer of help and support in crisis of neighbor will bring relation in harmony.

3. Declaring neighboring country as favored nation and opening door expedites trade relation thus dependability on each other, reduces possibility of misunderstanding.

4. Inter- dependability smoothens relation. This relation is like wife and husband. After whole day fight and silence, they need to depend one bed and most disputes are solved when they are in bed and again two lips together.

5. Exchange and cooperation in Social and cultural activity improves understanding population of both nations.

GOVERNMENT EXPENSES: Expenses incurred by Governments in unproductive areas may be enough to bring water from flooded states to states, which suffering from draught. This transferring water of flooded states through pipes, artificial rivers or canals may want less money than present unproductive office expenses and maintenance of loss making public sectors. Governments overstaffing due to political pressure results only confusion and fails the objectives to serve public. Most of the Government employees feel highly secured till retirement lack of competition brings inefficiency.

Fear of fire (termination) is the step will maintain discipline to get good result. Accountability will expedite the routine work.
Promotion and demotion would help further to achieve the best results.
Most of the development programs lye on the tables pending due to non-movement of files timely, adds up cost on development programs, as the rates of today may not be the same after 3 years.
In order to extract best work need to identify areas over staffed to utilize in short staffed.
Seeking help of contractors for clerical and other blue color staff is beneficial in non-confidential areas of banking, insurance other identified fields. For seniority selection on the basis of performance and ability.
Governments should concentrate in development and policy programs instead of running industries and indulging in production and service sectors. Should be given open to citizens to invest money and allow competition to give consumers the satisfaction. Unwanted increase number of public employees is just the root to corruption.
In the same time control of Industrial policy and maintenance of legislation need to consumer and public oriented to avoid undue practices by industries.
Employ minimum and pay more will yield government workers satisfaction, which will be, root to productive results.
Unorganized sectors have contributed largely to promote poverty level. Nearly 70% of the total working population in poor and developing are from unorganized sectors; they are without any social security and pension schemes. This is the large area, which has escaped attentions of many Governments of poor and developing countries. Most disappointing is that such a large percentage of workers are yet to have social security and their old age secured.

I give a small example as if a person from informal sector meets an accident/ gets ill for long time/ remains unemployed/old age when unable to work etc. Under these circumstances person has no alternate for food/shelter. This is all due to lack of involving this informal sector to the mainstream of UNO or ILO. Old aged people percentage is growing every day. This issue has to be treated human rights issue.


Insecurity is fear and fear is poverty.

RELIGION: Religion has important role in social development and reforms, as its impact on public is intense. Can play important role to eradicate poverty by its influence on people. Religious leaders have responsibility towards society who trust and have faith on them. I don’t want to go deep in religious matters but I wish to acknowledge, religion is for discipline but inter-religious and religion-to-religion fight has spread so much that living is getting disturbed. Realization of writings in holy books will be purposeful to all of us will lead to growth of humanity. It is place where society is attracted most. This strength of religious place needs to be used for reformation. Each religion has described helping poor. If followed properly will address real objective. Fanatic attitudes should modify according to modern needs. Following the same old time, which was then required for the society, may not be viable in present life as change in circumstances, living life, atmosphere. Rightly use of religious strength will teach society of tolerance and peace. If poverty and reform is given priority by religions, will expedite poverty reform and faith is intensified.

Governments should take initiatives to evolve religious leaders will bring awareness of social structure and crisis among them.
Donation collected in spiritual account to use in rightful purpose is poverty eradication and social reforms.
Direct touch with public, religious leaders will identify areas of poverty, causes of poverty and for its reform.
Religion can educate people, which will ultimately make people realize responsibility towards society.
Widening gap between poor and rich need to be arrested. Whole world should be open to identify the causes of poverty and step forward to reformations. Nearly 20% of world population in the developed nations, consume 80% of world goods. Gross Domestic product of poorest 48 countries is less than the three richest people combined. Gap is unjustified. Richness should not only mean accumulation of capital and assets in limited places all good should be distributed be for good humanity.

Best regards






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